Monday, November 21, 2005

Behavior Modification

The flash faded out Abby's tuxedo stripe, but her fur was shaved so she could get blood work done last week. Luckily everything came back normal. I heaved a great sigh of relief knowing that overall she is doing OK. But she does have a broken canine tooth, which needs to be removed and also has to have a kitty tooth cleaning done at the same time. I feel so bad that I didn't realize that her broken tooth was probably causing her discomfort. How dumb can I be? I knew she had trouble chewing on that side, why I didn't connect the dots, I don't know. So we will work to get that quickly fixed. Today, I have an appointment to discuss some behavior modification with her vet. She wants me to isolate Abby in a room 24/7. She would eat in there and have no contact at all with the other cats. *sigh I have worked so hard to get her to be with the other cats. I feel torn because, #1 Abby doesn't take kindly to doors which are closed (she will sit and paw at the door and cry) and #2 when I go in to be with her I then have 4 other cats sitting on the other side of the door pawing and crying to get in! I just don't see this working all that well, at least for me. Even though it does cause Abby stress to be around the other cats, I really hate to keep her locked up. I have been experimenting with "taking her" to the litterbox when I think she needs to use it. I have had good success with that, but I am not home all the time, so I know there will be clean ups. I wish I knew what it was that triggered Abby to draw away from the litterbox...

I wish I could erase all the anxiety she feels. I wish I could ease all the baggage she carries from the homes she was in. I fear she was punished for many of the things I am trying to correct with love. For all her bravado, she really is fearful. I realize that it will be a work in progress with her. Because when I think she has made good progress she will suddenly lash out at me with a quick snap, and I won't understand what triggered her response. I refuse to punish her any more than she already has been. She is such a sweet girl but she has such strong defenses. I will keep working on making her feel safe.

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