Monday, May 08, 2006

Here's Looking At You Kid

When we adopted Abby that was her name. I felt that since she had that name and knew it I wouldn't change it, so she has remained Abby. I call her by many other names as well, affectionate ones like Little Muffins & Abba Dabba but mainly it's simply Abby. When Boo, Jinx and Ping joined our family we didn't know what their names were so we had to named them. Since Boo is mostly black and it was near Halloween, I called her Boo. I have always like the named Jinx and I don't really know how I came up with Ping, other than it was truly the perfect fit for him because he does ping! How he pings! My husband named the tortie girl that came to visit us for a short months, Button. We both loved the name Gracie and decided if we ever got another girl kitty that would be her name. So when another tabby graced our lives she was so named. I also like the name Daisy, but that sounds more like a horse than a cat!


So how did your kitties get their names?

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