Thursday, June 22, 2006

This N That

Boo had a good report at the V-E-T. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief. She knew something was going on when she saw the cat carrier and she bolted from the room it was in. IT was very tough to get her into the carrier, she is very strong for such a little kitty. Again I had another sobering experience at the Vet. It was explained that there was an emergency and it would be a few minutes until the Doctor could see us. Someone had brought in their animal with spinal cord injuries. I couldn't help but reflect how fortunate I was to be dealing with something that was so minor. Even though I know how badly Boo's "boo boo" was she had something that healed and she is fine. Especially once we got her home. She was REALLY fine then.
My wide eyed Boo.

I don't know if you've been following Lewis the Cat story, but this is the cat that has been 'attacking and stalking' neighbors. Yesterday the judge ruled that Lewis is under "house arrest" for life. Thankfully the cat was spared being put down. I don't believe that the whole story was explained, because I can't imagine allowing a cat outside when it was known he was a little more aggressive than normal cats. What would you do if this had been your cat? He really is a beautiful cat. I found yesterday he even has a My Space page.
With great pride (and thanks to Patches & Mitten's Mom, Toni) above is the Gold medals for Abby & Ping. All 5 cats had a grand time at the catolympics and they are already talking about getting ready for the next event!
Thanks again Toni!

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