Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Darkness into Light

Abby in full mediation.

Driving in this morning there was a young man on a motorcycle who was driving rather aggressively. He got too close to my back bumper and then sped around me like I was standing still even though I was driving faster than the speed limit. I thought as he passed me that he was being too reckless. As I drove a little further up on this buzy commuter road I saw a traffic jam. Now traffic jams at 5AM are a little odd. So, I thought someone had car trouble. Then, I heard a siren and saw in the back rear view mirror the lights of a fire engine. So I moved out of the way. Moments later the police arrived. Then traffic was rerouted around the accident scene and there I saw lying on the pavement this young man who had been on the motorcycle moments before. He was sprawled out not moving and all I caught a glimpse of him as I drove by. The EMT touched his shoulder and got no response. Someone on their way to work -- believing that their day was just beginning -- now lying still on the concrete pavement. I pray that he was alive. I don't know the outcome. But, I was struck with how precious life is. Our cat blogging community lost a dear friend ;Trixie two days ago and this week a person who had been a fixture in my life succumbed to cancer. Life indeed is precious. Snuggle up close to your cats and tell them you love them. Tell your dearest friend, partner, or husband how much you care. You never know when it may be your last morning. So all my cat blogging friends let me tell you how precious you are to me and how much I appreciate your kindness and compassion and friendships...and Abby, Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie agree.

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