Tuesday, August 15, 2006

One Year Ago Today....

Meet the Manx
This is how we began.
I started this blog because of Abby. When I adopted Abby I started a journal and every day I wrote about our adventures. Abby became the road less travelled for me, which all began when 3 little faces found our home and made it theirs 2 years ago. Boo, Ping & Jinx made me realize that I needed to search and find Abby. Of course at that point I didn't know her name, but I knew I had to find her. I searched many many months until just the moment arrived. It's true what they say -- you'll know when it's right, and so it was a year ago last June. So began my journey of life with Abby. It was a struggle to be sure. She was not as happy as I was that I found her. That took some time. She made me earn her love and devotion. A relationship forged in fire is as strong as steel. She was worth all the effort it took to win her over. She is a fiesty little plucky girl, but I wouldn't want her any other way . It amazes me how much has changed since she came. She was not going to venture outself of the bathroom I put her in the first day she came home ,then she did, she wasn't going to come out of the bedroom which she found outside of the bathroom, then she came out of that too. She wasn't going to accept any of the other cats, then she accepted Jinx & Ping. She wasn't going to venture beyond her bedroom and then all of a sudden she couldn't be contained in one room any longer. She still has rooms she doesn't feel comfortable in, but she is learning to relax in them. She also has a way to go with accepting Boo and Gracie. But she is making strides even when she takes a small steps backward. We all do when we have to learn to accept new challenges. It's harder as we age to make those changes and she is 7, but she is making a effort. My journal morphed into a blog. I knew so little about blogging, then I discovered Avrams's blog New Cat City and I was inspired by his excitement with his two new boys . That led me to a whole new world of cat blogging. IT has been a real joy to meet and share with everyone, and I look forward to the future. It has been such a joy to share all our adventures with everyone and to find a group so loving and devoted . So, we thank you for sharing your stories with ours and for making this all more of a special and wonderful journey.

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