Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Adventures Into Wonderland

Earlier this week I got to go into the dark room that is off limits to me at night. Momma opened the door at 1:30 am to let Boo come out (by the way Momma, why does she get to stay in there wif you and I don't?) and I was waiting. I knew my chance would come one day! So I popped through the door and started talking to Momma. When she got back into the thing wif all the cuddly blankets I hopped up on it wif her. BUT there was this strange loud wind machine blowing cold air on me. ICK! I didn't like that. I crawled up on top of Momma and she petted me and talked more to me,but I didn't like the wind machine. Then I heard the strangest noises coming out of Daddy. Wow he makes a lot of racket. I climbed all over him, but he didn't wake up, he was making too much noise, I guess. I climbed all through the nice cuddly blankets. Then I sat at the end, Momma asked me if I wanted to go back out to my nice cuddly blanket on the chair in the other room and I said yes, so she let me back out again. I was happy to go and get some more sleeps. So, I don't know if I want to try to go back in the dark room again. I will have to sleeps on it.

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