Our New BestFriend -- Cinders
Boo here, I just wanted to introduce efurryone to our new bestest furfriend Cinders. Cinders is a beautiful tortie who is currently living at Best Friends. We asked Diva Kitty to pair us up with a special kitty in a shelter for one of our Secret Paws this time. It was kismet that she paired us up with Cinders. My Daddy was so taken with Cinders that he called and talked to a nice lady named Terrie at Best Friends and found out quite a bit about Miss Cinders. She is the oldest cat at the facility, she am 21 years old. Unfortunately she outlived her human bean family, but she is furry happy and content at Best Friends where they are furry good to her. If'n anybody would like to sponsor a kitty we hope you will take a look at Best Friends. They currently have over 700 kitties that need furever homes. But while they wait they are in good hands.
Miss Cinders Best Friends bio:Some cats in their old age end up with more than their fair share of health problems. Cinders fits in that category. After she outlived her human family, she came to Best Friends. She has hyper thyroid, high blood pressure, and is blind in at least one eye. Probably both. Eventually, with all her health problems she grew terrified of other cats and wouldn't eat. Now, however, she has her own private retirement suite.
Cinders is all sweetheart with people. In the morning she desperately wants to know that people are around and loves to say hello. One staff member spends time reading books out loud to her, just because Cinders loves to hear human voices. The only thing she'd love more would be a sponsor.
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