Miss Lady Boo

Post a link to the kitty who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog. List your real name, how you got your real name, nicknames you like/tolerate, and nicknames you wish your humans would stop calling you. Tag several kitties, and write a comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
So here is my story:
When we adopted Momma she didn't name us until we had been with them awhile. It was close to Halloween when she gave me the name Boo. So Boo I became and that is now my real name. Although I think I should have a real fancy name like Grace Kelly or something. Although I truly am a southern belle, so Melanie Wilkes might suit me better. Well maybe I will just stick with Boo.
Momma has some nickname for me. Mostly she calls me Boozie. Now I know what you're thinking, nope I have never partaked of the while spirits, I tend to think that when she calls me that it's more like Boozeeee! She also calls me Princess which I like alot because well she makes me feel like I am one. I also like being called Lady Boo and Baby Boo. I curl my body and tail when Momma calls me these names.
Thankfully there isn't any names that they call me that I don't like.
The only thing I wish is that I could spend more time with Momma.
But Abby always beats me to Momma, so I hafta to content with the Manx...
Well off to dream in my palace..
~Princess Boo
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