Here are the rules for the Nicknames Meme:Post a link to the kitty who tagged you (that would be my brother from another mother, Beezer), and post the rules on your blog. List your real name, how you got your real name, nicknames you like/tolerate, and nicknames you wish your humans would stop calling you. Tag several kitties, and write a comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
We have to go back a bit to the beginning when a trio of kittens were dropped off near our home in 2004. Both Jinx and Boo were quite friendly kitties, even though at the time Boo was a bit more timid, Ping was impossible to get close to. It took some time for us to understand what had happened and that this unlikely trio had adopted us. Some time went by before names were given to each of the kitties. Ping got his name because he never stops moving. I don't recall what the advertisment was on TV but the man in the ad was named Ping and when I heard that I knew I had the right name for our little man.
Ping is a worrier and he is a bit scarred from his former home life. I don't know what happened but I can guess that in his former home he was a bit hard to handle. It isn't that Ping isn't lovable because he really is a little lover boy, but he is so insecure and his feelings are easily hurt. He is just a sensitive little boy. So sweet and kind and he will melt you with his big green eyes. But, he is troubled. He really needs someone with him, but we have learned to accept his shortcomings because we love him so much.
Ping's nicknames are Ping-Ping, Pingee, Ping Boy, Ping-a-ling and hey you stop that!
Ping is our little tornado, he gets into more trouble than the other four cats combined. If something is amiss, I can guarantee you, it started with Ping. But he is a dear little angel, if not a bit of a devil in disguise, but how can you not fall in love with that face, and his sweet high pitched meow.
That's our boy Ping.
I think most kitties have played, but if you haven't please do and pass this on!