Thursday, December 11, 2008



Cloud Chaser
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Grief can destroy you--or focus you.
You can realize that every moment of it had more meaning than you dared to recognize at the time, so much meaning it scared you, so you just lived, just took for granted the love and laughter of each day, and didn't allow yourself to consider the sacredness of it. But when it's over and you're alone, you begin to see it wasn't just a moment here or there together, not just watching sunsets together, not just headbumps and purrs together or worrying over a high vet bills. It was everything, it was the why of life, every event and precious moment of it. The answer to the mystery of existence is the love you shared sometimes so imperfectly, and when the loss wakes you to the deepest beauty of it, to the sanctity of it, you can't get off your knees for a long time, you're driven to your knees not by the weight of the loss but by gratitude for what preceded the loss. And the ache is always there, but one day not the emptiness, because to nurture the emptiness, to take solace in it, is to disrespect the gift of life.
Goodbye for now our dear friends, may you all roam free of pain and earthly suffering
watch over and give guidance to all of us
and watch for us
when we all make our way to your doorstep.

Glitter Words

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