Read the daily musings of our beloved Angel Abby who passed over to the Rainbow Bridge August 12,, 2013. Our sister Gracie recently passed OTRB 2/11/14. Join our two Tabby Brothers, Ping and Jinx, and their Tuxedo sister Boo along the journey as they all adapt to new life with Manx Calico Annabelle who joined our family December 2013.
Miss Boo reminds efurryone to be sure and get their floo shots! Both Momma and Daddy got theirs! Now they are waiting for this crazy n1 shot...I don't understand why in the world would anyone want to get stuck with a needle? But, I guess if it keeps them healthy then it's worth it. Be sure to remind your Mom and Dad! PS... yesterday my Mom and Dad celleebrated 20 years together!
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We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints! Happy purrs >^,,^< ♥AngelAbby♥Annabelle♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥AngelGrace♥
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We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs