Both Katie from Glogirl and Lisa from Cat of Nine Tails gifted us with this wonderful award!
The Honest Scrap award. When you receive the award, you're supposed to write down ten interesting things about yourself and then pass the award on to seven others. So now I get to tell you 10 things about Momma that she has never revealed before ... and we would love you any one to play along if they have not done so, considered yourself tagged...now you're it!
- January 1, 2009 I retired! Early. Thank you very much and adieu to my civil service job! (I recommend it to everyone!) I worked for 30 years with the same employer and nearly that entire 30 years was in the same building!
- In the spring of 2007 I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type II. To say it was upsetting was a mild understatement. But I decided I could alter the course of this disease. I put myself on a new path and now two years (and some months later) I have lost over 100 pounds. I also rid myself of ALL my unhealthy problems. YAY!
- In the early 1980's I use to visit a very good friend on Long Island once a year. I will never forget the one time she took me to the observation deck in the World Trade Towers. My friend, Fran died in the mid 1980's of cancer and I miss her dearly. MTFBWY Fran.
- I waited until I was 33 to get married for the first (and ONLY) time.
- I have only lived in three homes -- in over 5 decades of living. When I moved out my 'dream' home, it will be the last time I ever move!
- I love photography, my secret wish would be to make a living at it.
- I have travelled to Europe, Mexico, Canada, and Guam.
- I love Abby with every breath in my body. Our connection goes beyond what I can even understand.
- Both my parents are still alive and I am eternally grateful for all that they are. Each and every day I feel blessed that they are here.
- I finally feel free of the addiction to food. I have become health conscious--took me over 5 decades, but I am exercising and eating well and I think I have finally regained some control over myself.
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