Friday, February 12, 2010

Formerly Feral: Miss Grace


  1. Gracie we see lots of love and contentment in your picture!!! Your former life is an itty bitty part of you. Happy weekend and Valentine's Day.
    Madi and Mom

  2. Gracie looks much happier indoors! Happy Friday!

  3. You look so comfy and happy, Grace. Dream sweet dreams. xxxxxxxxx

  4. You look so cozy there Gracie. Hello handsome Ping. I could come snuggle with Ping?!

  5. Aren't you the picture of content? Wishing you ALL a furry Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  6. Milky-Way's name....before Milky-Way we had a mini dachshund for 10.5 years. His death was very hard on all of us. Our daughter was 3 when we got him so she was very attached.
    After his death we waited for 2 years. Hubby and I were working and she was in school all day so we decided on a kitty for our next pet. On we went out to the SPCA on a Sat. morning walking up and down the kitty aisles on the 2nd trip the kitty that would be ours walked up the cage and literally touched her on the shoulder and meowed. He was a tiny little thing estimated at ~6 to 8 weeks old had been dropped off with no details. After being at our house for about 2 hours he took a few sips of milk and she said..lets name him Milky-Way. So that was it he was her kitty. Most always we just called him Milky. when she went off to college he stayed with us...and he also continued to live with us until he died at 14 and 1/2. He was a sweet heart.

  7. Ah...snoozing in sunshine. You look very cozy there, Miss Grace.
    ~Lisa Co9T

  8. We are delighted that Miss Grace gets to experience the loved and comfy cozy life! Have a great weekend!

  9. You look very content Miss Grace, much better than being an outdoor kitty.

  10. Miss Grace ... you are so beautiful and sweet while you slumber! You look so very much like our special Grace at Whimpurr's Whim! *purrs*

  11. formly is right! btw, glad for your new comment form- much easier and faster uploading!

  12. Well hello Miss Gracie! It's a nice nap yur having today. Yur furs look nice and sleek and warm. Mom just wants to poke frew da puter and pet yoo!


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs