Monday, November 29, 2010

Mancat Monday With Ping

Ping has a favorite habit.

He loves his rubbies. When I am heading toward the laundry room to clean out the litter boxes every morning, he follows me meowing. He wants me to give him a rub down. He jumps up on the washer and talks to me. I usually stop and give him what he wants, but he always wants more, and he give me a meow/chirp. He is so irresistible.

Anyone want to volunteer to give Ping his rubbies today?


  1. Ping, That's so cute !!!!!
    But I don't want to be rude but my mom is mine , I think I keep her for myself : )

  2. Me and Charlie are waving our hands and paws to volunteer!! :-) Mr Ping is just so irresistable with his gorgeousness!! Take care

  3. Our mom will!

    Nicki has his thing about rubbing heads with the mom. He HAS to rub his head and body all over her hair and face, or he gets almost frantic. And he has to do this multiple times a day.

    She'll trade today -- rubbies for Ping, and you can do head butts/rubs for Nicki!

  4. I WILL I WILL!!! I'm coming right over!!! Look out Ping!

    Love, Auntie Deb

  5. Ping, I would love to give you some rubbing!!!

  6. I'll take second shift on the rubbies!!! Nothing more relaxing than rubbing a kitty and listening to their motor....
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  7. Our mum will give you rubbies Mr Ping!

  8. Our mum will - she is beside herself with excitement - she'll be landing in about 3.5 seconds!!

  9. I soon as I finish up with Felix! It must be a Ornj Cat thing.

  10. Oh we would love to give you your rubbies Ping! It sounds fun!

    We miss visiting all of you so much since mom can't visit from work anymore - please tell everyone Hi from us!

  11. Our mum has joined the line to give you head rubs too.

  12. I would, but a certain tuxie has claimed my hands for her own. Perhaps another day!

  13. The Human says: ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs