Monday, December 05, 2011

For Lucy

Another of our good friends is not feeling well and not eating. Lucy who is sister to sweet Hannah is in need of some purrs. Please stop by and give them a word of encouragement.


  1. Oh no, now Lucy! We will head right over and leave her some healing purrs.

  2. We are purring for Lucy to soon get better.

  3. We were by there earlier but we haven't seen any updates.

  4. WE are sure sending purrs to Lucy. She is our boy Tee's girl friend and we sure want her to feel better. Take care.

  5. We are purring that Lucy will be well soon.

  6. Aw, we hope Lucy feels better soon. We is purring for all the kittehs and other creatures who needs some purrs!

  7. Oh dear, too many kitties these days to purr for. no like to hear about all the sick kitties. I will add Lucy to my purrs. Thanks for letting us know.

  8. Purrs to Lucy. Our hearts are heavy with sick furriends and those that have gone to the Bridge recently.

  9. I am purring extra hard for poor Lucy whose sweetness was disregarded by a heartless beast that calls themselves human.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs