Monday, April 30, 2012

For Pesto

I hope you've had a chance to visit Joan over at God's Little People.
She is an extraordinary woman who does extraordinary things for the cats
of Greece.
She has a sweet boy named Pesto that is in dire need of a full dental.
She will be starting an auction very soon of some amazing stuff.
She also has a Donate button on her blog.
Any amount would help.
Please, if you can see if there is any room in your budget.
These wonderful kitties and especially Pesto would thank you.


  1. I will talk to Dad about the green paper thing, and I gotta go visit!

  2. Thanks so much my sweetest friends. I didn't expect to see a post such a this one and it had me going misty eyed. I feel warmed throughout knowing there are other people who cares about a seemingly irrelevant little Greek kitty. I am directing this wonderful love and support Pesto's way as he is in recovery and hopefully sleeping (he was in great pain as he was coming around from the anaesthesia).
    ♥ Joan

  3. thank you friend, we are on our way to check it out!

  4. Poor Pesto - I am glad he has such a lovely human looking after him!

  5. We sended a few green papers cause teh Human knows how bad teefs kan hurt!

  6. we will check it out. how have you been kitties?

    emma and buster

  7. We'll go visit Pesto. Thanks for the link!

  8. How sweet of you to tell about Pesto. Will definitely go over and check out xx

  9. We'll go over and say hello too cuz I SURE KNOW what toothie problems are all about. We'll see if we have a couple of green papers too.

  10. We read about Pesto, poor boy but of course wonderful Joan was able to help him :-)


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs