Saturday, October 06, 2012


They pictures were taken at very different times.
I wanted to share different perspectives though.
I am driving over the Buckman Bridge in the above picture.
Yep I am taking pictures while driving at 70mph.
Great clouds! I couldn't resist.
The "X" in the picture is where I was when I took the pictures listed below.

Telephoto photograph

Normal view from the shore
The dock you see in this picture I got chased off of.
Yep I was trespassing to get some pictures.

It was a beautiful day.
View from end of dock.


  1. These are spectacular pictures (alas, no cats!) I took some in Monterey the we might post for a Not-a-Garden-Tour pretty soon -- but I am a rank amateur with a cheap little Cool Pix--I look at your pictures and think: Hmmmm, time for a new camera? But then I'd need your talent too, ha ha meow!

  2. Great pics. Totally worth bein asked to leave. MOL!

  3. "Yep I am taking pictures while driving at 70mph.|

    Good thing I never will be in a car with you, then! I'd be freaking out!

  4. Pretty bridge pictures. You are good at multitasking if you could take a pic while driving. Be safe!!

  5. très joli et très bel effet!

  6. Now what in the world did they find to be mad about simply because you were on the dock? That is so small of them whoever they are.

    Love the pictures because it reminds me of the time I lived in FLA also. Melbourne.

  7. Those are such beautiful photos! Not so sure about the taking photos while driving at 70mph though...

  8. What lovely pictures of a beautiful stretch of water.

    Thank you so much for your kind words to us on the loss of Oliver, we miss him so very much.

    Gerry & Mungo

  9. That first one is funny, seeing the road both ahead and behind like that!

  10. You always take such beautiful pictures.

    Thankyou for coming by to visit Charlotte. We enjoy having her at our place. She is a very good and docile kitty.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs