Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday Update

Today was a good day for Miss Abby.
I think she is done spectacular after all she has been through.
Thankfully the pill popper worked like a charm this morning
and Mom and Kitty were happy about one pill in a gel tab
and one quick as painless application.
After the beautiful AbbaDabba quieted down I fixed her normal
food for breakfast.
She ate! Not a lot, but she ate a dozen or so little bites.
THAT was a Eureka moment!!!
She has a vet appointment with her normal Vet this afternoon
and she thinks she is doing great considering all she has been
(She is the Vet who was on duty at the ER last Sunday when
Abby was in CHF)
There were instructions from Abby's Specialist for them to check
Abby's kidney values so those were run and they were just at the high mark.
So sub q's were administered.
My baby had a little hump.
She was not happy to be at the Vet's again, she tried so hard to hide in
her carrier.
She is down another .10 of a pound.
Again that is not a big worry as she did need to drop a little,
just not this way.
She's doing everything she needs to do and is interested in eating and
drinking and crunching munchies and is visiting the litterbox
with more frequency which is a good thing for her right now.
She is still a little wobbly when she walks and she tires easily.
But, that too is expected.
She is resting as you can see in the picture I really just took.
She has decided the spot to occupy is under my desk.
But today she was out and about and in her "regular" chair.
Which did my heart good to see her lying there.
Oh so good!
So her next trip to the vet is back to the Specialist on Friday.
But I hope tomorrow shows more improvement with how she
is feeling. Right now she is a bit off and I know that is partly the
results of the medications and partly recovery from her ordeal.
Thank you all for your support and words of kindness.
They mean so much and have helped us all through this.
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  1. Awwww Abby! Beautiful Abby! You are doing ever so well! You brave brave girl! Just rest now near mum and take one day at a time. We continue to have everything crossed for you. Purrs and hugs, please take care

  2. Awww, sweet Abby, we're continuing to send purrs and purrayers, Light and love. Poor baby, having to go back to the dreaded vet. We know you have to, but we sure hope that next week you won't need to be put in that evil ptu!


  3. Oh my goodness, all dis sounds like her is really on da road to recovery! I knows it will take some time but I knows her will through.
    We will continue to send our prayers and thoughts to ya'll!


  4. We are so glad it was so much better of a day. Get well, sweet girl!

  5. Oh we are so glad to hear about these improvements. That is terrific. Poor Abby but it sounds like you are getting slowly back to yourself. We certainly are sending tons and tons of purrs and prayers.Thinking about you.

  6. This is encouraging news, thanks for this update!

  7. We were offline yesterday so just catching up. So happy to hear she is home and doing a little better. We have been purring and will continue to do so!!

  8. Oh this is all fantastic news for sure! Sending all our love, light, purrs, prayers and healing energy to Abby.

  9. How wonderful it is to read this news :)
    We will keep purring to make sure Abby keeps improving.
    You are looking lovely Abby !
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  10. Oh Spitty and I are sooooooooo very happy to hear this good report! Eating & drinking & litter box activity are excellent news ;-) I am sure the longer she is home with you the happier she will be. Give her a kissie and a "Good girl!" from us! XOXOXOXO

  11. That is so encouraging!! Abby is a fighter :) Lots of purrs and prayers coming still xoxox

  12. This is good news! She's eating and drinking. That's great!

    Fluids are tricky when a kitty has heart issues, particularly fluid in the heart. I've also been told that Lasix can skew kidney values because it's taking away fluid so it can seem like dehydration, which will affect at least the BUN value. Anyway, I don't want to overwhelm you with all that. I know what that's like. The main thing is that you are comfortable with her care.

    It's so wonderful that she's been out and about today. I hope she's even better tomorrow and she continues to eat even more and not lose any more weight and that her vet & specialist will have good news.

  13. I am so glad to hear a good report about Abby! She really is a fighter, and I am purring for more progress.

  14. Soooo furry glad you are feeling betters, Miss Abby. Continyooing owr purrrrrs.

    Lots of love
    Finny Buddy & Jazzy

  15. That makes us so very happy too and we are free-flowing those purrs to you Miss Abby.

  16. We're so glad to hear today was a better day for Abby. We purr that every day gets better and better for her. :)

  17. Sending purrrrrrrsss and purrrrayers to Abby. Hang in there, kittie.

  18. Oh, Abby, it's so good to see you home and resting in your photo! We're glad to hear that the pill popper worked. Pilling your cat is largely a matter of figuring out what works best for the two of you.

    We are so glad to hear that she's eating, drinking, and using the litterbox. Slow improvement is great, and it must do your heart good to see.

    Continuing purrs from all of us for Abby and you, too.

  19. Oh, this makes us so happy to read. Miss Abby, we love you, and will keep on purring and praying that you feel better and better each day. Hugs!

  20. We are so happy to hear she is continuing to improve. It may take Abby a little while to get over feeling bad and all her trauma. The main thing is she is starting to eat and go back to her usual spots. We're purring hard for her, and her mom, too!

  21. Thank heaven, literally. I am so happy to read this wonderful news. Abby sweet girl, keep getting better eve ry day for mom and dad. We are all purring and purraying for you. XXXOOO

  22. Miss Abby, we are sending our purrs that you continue to get all better soonest. Rest, eat and well, take your pills.

  23. We are glad you are getting over your ordeal Miss Abby. We are still purring very hard here for you.

  24. Poor Abby. She's been through a lot the last few days and so have you. We're glad you're able to get the pills in her and she will eat a little for you. Hugs.

  25. thank you for the update. Abby continues to be in our purrs and purrayers.

  26. Mommy busted her chops getting home to check on Abby! This is great news!

    We're gonna keep purring for sweet Abby. XOXO

  27. That's a good report! We are purring that she continues to improve and will keep her in our purrayers.

  28. Abby, we are so pleased to read this update. We're still crossing paws and purring away. Take care, gorgeous girl. x

  29. tu as beaucoup de courage, merci pour les nouvelles.
    Laurence, Opale et Sonye

  30. my beautiful sweet tuxie princess - I am so happy you are feeling better. I have to go take my man in bloo shorts truck to get Miles, but then I will be right back here to hold your paw at the v-e-t.

    purrss n nosekissies - your adoring floofy cocoapuff meezerman Sammy

  31. Wonderful news!! Keep feeling better, sweetie pie! xoxo

  32. Got here through Shaggy and Scout. I'm sorry to hear that your lovely tuxedo has been ill. Our beloved tuxie went through much the same several years ago and our hearts go out to you. It seems like Abby could be on the mend. We certainly hope that's the case.
    You've some lovely photos, which is impossible unless the cat pictured is exceptional!

  33. We wers so worried when we read a couple of updates back, when Abby was less herself. This update makes a big difference in how tight my chest was feeling :-) I agree with you, you guys have been through so much. Sweet Abby, I'd be pretty wobbly and torn between a hiding place and my favorite chair too. Strong purrs and prayers continue here, nonstop, for each of you. Hi Miss Boo, we've not forgotten you either :-) We pray for continued good stuff on Friday with the Specialist. Enjoy your wonderful family, dear Friends. We'll check on you later - many hugs and kitty kisses to you.

  34. We are so pleased that Abby is eating again - little and often is probably better for her than a big meal. We are sure she will take lots of little naps while she is building up her strength. Take care.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  35. I read with satisfaction Abby's update. Slow and steady progress is excellent. I hope to hear more of the same in future.

  36. abby...keep up de grate werk on eatin...N usin de box...N just chillaxin...we hope yur appt at de ewe noe wear place two day iz knot gonna give ewe mor stress....

    tell yur mom ta play sum harp mewsic for ewe.......we trooly meen it...harp music; just plane harp mewsic... helps a kitteh tree men dos lee...

    this bee an older post:

    N as sure as we loves R trout we can tell ya....thiz doez werk ~~


  37. Lots of purrrs for you Abby!! We are so glad you are feeling better!!
    Love & Hugs to you!!
    Your TX furiends,

  38. We're so happy to hear that Abby is doing better! We'll keep the purrs and prayers going until she's fully recovered.

    The Florida Furkids

  39. We're so happy to read that Abby is doing a little better. Sweet girl....purrs & hugs to you and your mom.

  40. That is very good news that Abby is doing so well. Purrs and prayers are continually being sent to her.

  41. Awww sweet Abby, it's so good to hear you are feeling somewhat better. You have had to deal with not feeling well and going to scary vet's offices with strange people and noises. I'm purring for you sweet girl and M has you in thoughts and prayers. Hope for more improvement tomorrow - even just a tiny bit will be good.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs