Monday, February 01, 2016

Happy Birthday Gracie

Today marks what would have been
Gracie's 11th birthday.

She's celebrating in Heaven.

With Abby.

And so many of her friends.

Her Angelversary is coming up in
10 days.

It will be two years since she left.

I miss her gentle kind presence.

She was so grateful to have a furever home.

So my dear Gracie,
Happy Birthday.

 I will always remember.

Yes I will sweet Tabby girl.
I will always
remember you.


  1. Kitties make so much impression on us. Gracie happy b/day in heaven sweetheart.

    Emma and Buster

  2. A sweet remembrance of a sweet kitty.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. Beau souvenir de l'adorable Gracie

  4. Happy birthday in spirit, sweet Gracie. Purrs to your mom.

  5. Happy Birthday Gracie - we miss seeing your lovely face.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. We can't believe it's been nearly two years--hugs to your Mama and happy birthday over the bridge-

  7. My heart is with you as you remember sweet Gracie's birthday. It is very kind of you to have a tribute birthday for her. Loving purrs from Deb, her angels, Mr. Jazz and Harley, as well as Zee, Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Kizmet, and Jazmine.

  8. Happy Birthday at the Bridge, sweet Gracie.
    Hugs to you Debra.

  9. Too young to go. And of course you will always remember. We never forget them.

  10. That's for sure, she will always remain in your heart. All my cats who left me were never forgotten and still live with us not their bodies, but their souls.

  11. Angel Gracie Happy 11th Birthday. I bet you and Sweet Angel Abby have some fun plans
    Hugs madi your bfff

  12. Awww Happy birthday to a pretty Angel,xx Speedy

  13. Happy Heavenly Birthday! We know there's a wonderful party at the Bridge for you.

    The Florida Furkids

  14. Say hi to efurryone for us, Gracie! We miss you here, but do enjoy your Bridge party!

  15. Happy Birthday at the Bridge sweet girl. We're thinking of you and your Mom today.

  16. Happy Birthday, sweet Angel Gracie. Hope you're having a heavenly Pawty with our Angels too..*whipes tears* Pawkisses :) <3

  17. guys...can ya pleez ta let yur mom noe therz one "ewe noe what" of a partee goin on up heer for gracie; de cake iz 835 milez long N bout az high, de surf & turf runz az far az de eye can see; gracie iz all wayz meowin bout how total lee mega soooper kewl her familee iz & how much her loves em....N we R all havin a grate grate time...


    dude & sauce =^..^=

  18. What a sweet remembrance of the lovely Gracie. We know you continue to miss her and Abby everyday. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. Purrs to your mom at a time that can be very difficult....

  20. Happy Birthday in Heaven dearest little girl.

  21. Happy Birthday at the Bridge, sweet girl. My precious angels are sure to be at your party!!!

  22. Gracie was beautiful. I am so sorry you didn't have more time with her.

  23. It's bittersweet to remember them, but I don't mind the pain to feel them warm in my heart again. Happy birthday!

  24. What sweet memories. Gracie was such a special girl.

  25. Gracie, is such a beautiful, precious girl. I enjoyed seeing these lovely photos of her.

  26. Enjoy your birthday at the bridge, sweet Gracie, and know you are missed by so many here.

  27. We know all our angels will be celebrating with Gracie today.As long as she is remembered and never forgotten, she will live on.Many of us are remembering her today XO

    the critters in the cottage xo

  28. Happy birthday, Angel Gracie. We love and miss you always, sweet girl.

  29. I know you would love to have her here to celebrate the day with her. It's going to be hard next month when Sam's birthday arrives.

  30. Belated birthday greetings to your sweet Angel Gracie.
    Big hugs to you and many purrs, too.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs