Friday, June 17, 2016

Nappin on Friday

This is the usual way Mom finds me
when I'm havin' a good nap.

On my back paws up and out to the side.

but only for a moment.

I'm back to nappin' again.

I'll let you rub my tummy since you're so good to me, Mom.

Right here please.


  1. Boodie sleeps on her back a lot too - usually she gets up and runs if my human tries to pet her, though! Today, however, she actually let my human pet her tummy.

  2. You look so adorable asleep. Enjoy your tummy rub.

  3. That is a comfy looking pose.
    We can tell you are relaxed ad very content with your surroundings :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. Haha! LOVE the way you sleep, Annabelle. OMC, you're just so adorable like that!

  5. Annabelle, you look sooooo relaxed!

  6. Hannah sleeps like that sometimes but she doesn't like it when Mum gives her a tummy rub which wakes her up.

  7. You look pretty comfy there! And sure of yourself to show off that tummy!

  8. Oh lordy Miss Annabelle you look like you are way too comfy up there. That belly is sure asking for some rubs.

    Emma and Buster

  9. Annabelle can you hear mom cackling...that first photo is too funny
    Thanks for the Friday funny
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. How totally relaxed you are! And beauteous too, even to the tips of your belly furs, MOL!

  11. Annabelle....thatz de ONLEE way ta chillax :)
    hope everee one haza awesum week oh end...stay kewl ♥♥♥

  12. Yep, that's a good nap if we ever saw one!

  13. You sure do look tummy comfy sweet Annabelle!

  14. That is a nice relaxed way to nap, Annabelle

  15. I want to rub that gorgeous tummy.You are such a cutie.

  16. Now that could stop traffic Annabelle!!! I sure hope you're not visible from the road!

  17. You look really comfy there, Annabelle. The mom says she'll rub your tummy if your mom doesn't.

  18. Annabelle, you are the queen of comfortable! :)

  19. Annabelle, you could not be cuter. If any of us napped like that, our mom would not get anything done. She would just stand and stare and then try to rub our bellies. Our mom is sending some kisses for you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  20. Whoa! I never lay on my back. Autumn used to lay like that.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs