Friday, December 30, 2016

Feline Friday

It may be the end of December, and the middle of
winter, but it's still 80 degrees!


  1. It was 83 in our area yesterday and 56 today! If you do not like the weather, just wain a minuet and it will change

  2. I wish the weather was that pleasant here! We are having a chilly southern California winter with rain at least a couple of days every week, and lows into the 40s sometimes!

    I guess the northern bloggers will hate us both now! MOL

  3. It is Winter here, but this morning it is raining and the wind is howling!
    The temps are mild. They will no doubt fall when the rain stops :/
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. We had a snowstorm here yesterday. :-P

    Happy New Year to you all; we hope 2017 will be far better than 2016 and hope there will be quick and peaceful resolutions to outstanding issues. Purrs, peace and Light from us.

  5. We have winter arriving (for a day, at least) today... then the 80s return. The head peep says she would rather it be 80 than 30, so she isn't complaining.

  6. Same here, Mommy got a kayak for Christmas and her and Daddy actually went kayaking. Guess Santa knew Mommy would be impatient to get in the water.

  7. Personally I like it a bit cooler, but with sun. Then I can lap up the sun puddles in front of the fireplace...

  8. Wow! 80!! That's hotter than Las Vegas!

    Happy New Years to you and we hope you have a great one!

  9. Rub it in, Annabelle! Well, I don't care for it to be that warm, but I don't care for it to be as cold as it is here, either.

  10. Beautiful photo! We don't know what 80 is in Celcius, but it sounds a lot warmer than where we are!

  11. Send some warms here, pawlease...its snowing here...brrr! At least send us the sun, MOL!

  12. You always warm the hearts everywhere pretty Annabelle!

  13. 80 degrees? Enjoy da heat wave gawjus. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  14. OH pretty girl. My mom is totally smitten with you.

  15. 80 degrees?!?! Popoki tells me she'll be right there. It's about 30 degrees here, and getting colder by the minute. She demands something warmer!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  16. It is 28 degrees here. Beautiful photo of Annabelle.

  17. Enjoy! It's cold here (but it is supposed to be lol)

  18. I envy you your sun and hots. It is 30 here.

  19. Please send some of those degrees to us!

  20. Wow, can you please share a few of those degrees with us? :)

  21. We have been having some warm weather too but no 80's. We almost hit 80 one day but 78 was all it got up to. Very warm winter for some of us. Your beauty just never ceases to amaze me. Hugs and nose kisses

  22. Not here, it's not. Not even indoors.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs