Friday, May 10, 2019

I like rugs

Ok, ok I admit another obsession I have is 
with rugs. I love bunny kicking them
and rolling myself up in them.
Who doesn't like a cushy rug?


  1. We cats can find fun in almost anything!
    Have fun Annabelle!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. Rugs are fun. Flynn used to burrow under them, then Eric would flop down on top of him.

  3. Rugs are just the best! I like rugs but my sister Patch, not so much. Purrs Flower.

  4. Cuttin' the rug can sure be fun sweet Annabelle!

  5. Annabelle you have very good taste in home decor. Rugs warm up a room
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Rugs sound like fun, Annabelle.

  7. But why the kicking, Annabelle?

  8. Wow, I like rugs, for comfy resting in a sun pudddle, but rolling up in them OMC! And bunny kicking, sheesh, petcretary would not like all theclaw tufts that would put in them, Oopsie for me if I did that...

    You are making your own toys and entertainment!

    Sorry we have been AWOL so long...just blame the petcretary and all her not kitty/doggy stuff...sigh...

  9. Annabelle you are such a cutie. Rugs are fun and I like to lay on them while brofur Rumpy Bump grabs them with his huge feetz and rolls up in them as he kicks them into submission. wow that was a long cat-moewolog


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