Monday, August 24, 2020


What do you see?
A nice tree?

Can you see him better.
My acrobatic cat!
Mickey definitely learned this from Mina.
I had found my old P&S because I wanted to get 
some photos of her acrobatic
tree skills. She would run up the bald cypress
in a second. All the way to the top.
Mickey by the way, was chasing a butterfly
up to the top of the live oak.

Zooming in.

This is the only close up zoom I got of him.
All the others are blurry because Mickey does not stay 
very still for long.

And....this is what we've been experiencing every day.

It looks like night but it's late in the afternoon.
Yes these were scary thunderstorms.


  1. Mickey has tree climbing talents!! Whata cutie, too:)

    Those are some nasty looking storm clouds. Hope you can stay safe, dry and cozy.

  2. Mickey is quit an adventuresome guy! I hope those storms pass soon.

  3. Sounds like Mickey is quite the active ,adventurous kitty!
    Hope those storms have passed by. Rain and thunder are scary sometimes.

  4. Mickey is quite the adventurer!

    We seldom get very bad thunderstorms here; it would be scary to deal with them frequently. Stay safe!

  5. These are lovely photos. Mickey is a good tree climber. Flynn used to go to the top of his favourite big old oak and right out on the smallest branches and scare the life out of me.

  6. Dang Mickey, that's way too high up there! Y'all be safe with those nasty storms please.

  7. dood......treez iz grate for scratchin at ground level, get past thiz high.... ^..... and yur talkin BURD activatee buddy...pleez get down ..... ☺☺♥♥

  8. Mickey is quite the athlete!We hope he's safely on the ground before those clouds open up.

  9. WOW! He climbs high. We had scary thunderstorms yesterday too.

  10. Oh Mickey! You better not go up that high! We don’t want you to get stuck up there.

  11. Mickey! No. Just don't go up in there that high. Thank goodness you do come down. Some get scared and won't. Just don't.

  12. Mickey be careful will you. No butterfly is worth getting in tree trouble. Oh not nice clouds

  13. Geez, I hope Mickey was all right getting down. Too many cats are fine climbing but then become scared in the tree. That probably hasn’t happened to Mickey, but it may some day. I don’t know what is scarier: Mickey in the tree or the storm…


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Happy purrs