Monday, November 16, 2020

Sad Mancat Monday

The above photo and the one below
were both taken November 1, 2020

My last photos of Mickey.

This one is from October.
He was at my feet playing with my shoes.

I didn't want to write this.
I still don't.
I don't know where you are Mickey.
I pray you're safe somewhere,
and that someone fell in love with you,
like I did.

I haven't seen Mickey since
November 2, 2020.
Isn't his baby picture so sweet?
He was a mischievous imp
but he was so loveable.


I knew having them outdoors that
it's a risk. Everyday I've said you're name
calling still for you to come home.
I miss you Mickey.
I love you lil' guy.
I worry about you.
I pray you're safe.
I hope to see you again.
Come home Mickey. 



  1. Oh, NO:(
    I hope he is safe like you said...but meanwhile we acan only hope and pray that someday soon you will see him again.
    I know the anguish of not knowing is about unbearable...
    Sending our best angelic dust to keep him safe...and more to comfort you.

    Petcretary sends prayers and big hugs.

    Angelic Purrs

  2. Oh no! I'm heartbroken that Mickey is missing. I do hope that he found a good home with people who love him almost as much as you have.

  3. I am also sad and purr that Mickey found a safe place.
    Purrs, Julie

  4. So sorry, do hope he is somewhere safe and well. x

  5. Oh no, we so understand having so many outside that we love too. We sure hope that sweet guy is safe and happy somewhere.

  6. This is so sad. I will add Mickey to my prayer list. I hope he comes home soon. Have you asked neighbors- maybe he got locked in a shed?

  7. Oh, no. We, too, hope he is safe, or perhaps on "walkabout" and will return. We're keeping him and you in our thoughts and purrayers.

  8. Oh no I'm so sorry Mickey is MIA...I hope and purr he'll find his way back to your home.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. mickey; dood....heerz hopin yur safe N sound sum place; we noe how hard thiz iz on "mom" francis's blessingz two ewe dood that yur happee healthee and sea cure ♥♥♥♥

  10. I am so sorry. I hope he does return home, but if not that he is safe and well somewhere else.

  11. We are sorry to hear this. We purr that Mickey finds his way back...but if not, that he’s safe somewhere else.

  12. I'm so sorry. It's just so hard when you don't know, no closure. Purrs that he comes home to you.

  13. Some of our community cats disappear for weeks, or even a whole season. I hope that's the case with Mickey. I had to stop feeding cats outdoors years ago. I spent all day thinking terrible things were happening to them. That's one of the ways I picked up my pace with rescue. Thinking only happy thoughts for Mickey and you.

  14. We are sending purrayers and POTP for sweet Mickey to return to you, and if not to at least be safe somewhere. Don't give up hope.

  15. I know that heartache. I hope so much that he found someone else who loves him and that he has a home. XX

  16. I hope he is all right somewhere. And he may be back. These outsider-cats follow their own schedules, and no one else's. May he return soon.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs