Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hey Handsome!

Hello efurrybody...I'm Johnny Cash.....

Well I could be...I can sing "Walk the Line" just as well!
Yes, Ping we know you could.
Yesterday when I got home I found blood splatter all over the hallway. My husband had called me at work in the morning to ask if I had spilled anything, he did not notice it was blood droplets. He cleaned up what he found. But, when I walked down the hall I found 50 or more droplets. I immediately went to check each of the cats. I immediately thought one of them had injured another, but upon inspecting each one of them I could find no open wounds or any dried blood on paws or mouths. I even checked their bottoms and that all seemed fine as well. I don't know what to make of it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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