Monday, July 17, 2006

One Year Ago Today

This is from my diary one year ago today.

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckageof your silent reverie
you’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
~ANGEL BY Sarah McLaughlin


Button had a sad story, I ‘m afraid. Last December, right after Christmas, one night I thought Boo had gotten out of the house, because I had looked everywhere for her and she wasn’t anywhere to be found, and Wally had been in and out the back door and I was sure she had gotten out. So, in my nightgown, I go out looking for her. I went behind all the buildings that are on the one side of our property. It was dark and I only had a small flashlight. As I was coming to the end of the buildings, my light caught the eyes of a cat, and at first I thought it may have been Boo, but it wasn’t. I went towards the cat, and she came to me, so I petted her, and since I had gone as far as I could I started my way back home. The cat followed me. When I got home, Wally was really taken by this straggly looking tortoiseshell cat that was thin and unkempt. So, he named her Button right then. We got food for her and put her in the garage. She ate hungrily. (The good thing was Booz was in the hall closet, safe and sound. MOM was a mess but the Booz was fine!) We took her to the vet and had her checked out to make sure she was OK. She had LOTS of ticks on her and she just looked like she felt terrible. Once she settled in, she because the workshop cat. She didn’t want to be near the house at all. She didn’t like the other cats. She wouldn’t even come into the garage because of how strong the cat smells were to her. When she first arrived, Wally was home and with her all day, and I think she liked having that company, but he went back to work 4 days out of the work week, I think she grew lonely. She always had this little pitiful meow. She had a look of sadness about her. We had to take her back to the vet, because I saw a wound on her and I wanted it checked out, plus she needed her booster shot. Off we went in Friday afternoon traffic up to the vets. I asked about her hips, and her walk, and we talked about spaying her. The vet checked her and said she thought she had been spayed, so that solved that. We decided to get an X-RAY of her hips, and then the vet told us, she had old injury that had heeled nicely, but she surmised she was probably hit by a car, or thrown from a car. So how she survived, I just don’t know. As spring settled into summer, Button grew and she filled out well. Her appearance had greatly improved, her coat was shiny, and she looked great. Wally saw her before he left for work on Saturday 7/16/05 in the grass between the workshop and the house, but when I got home Saturday evening, she was no where to be found. She didn’t come home, and we don’t know what happened, as she was very territorial, and she rarely left the yard.

I can only hope that where ever she is, she is safe, and happy. We tried our best to make her as comfortable as we could and I think we did. She was a sad little cat who had much misery in her short life. Rest in peace little girl.

Button has never come home and we still miss her greatly.

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