Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Tail of Two Tuxedos

Boo & Abby

Boo has been with us more than a year longer than Abby. But, Abby has taken up resident status as Queen of all that she sees. I admit I spoil her, but it is hard to resist because she is so devoted. That devotion comes at a cost to poor Boo. Boo our gentle dainty little lady. Boo is a piece of Dresden china. She is such sweet passive girl. Abby on the other hand is a total dynamo. Just call her T-N-T. As cantankerous as she can be to the other cats, she is a total bundle of love to me. But, when Boo, Abby and I are in the same room we are in for some explosions. Last night when I spoke to Boo, Abby complained. So you can imagine the reaction I got when I went to pet her. Poor Boo, she is such a peace loving kitty, she won’t even fight back. She will either flee Abby or crouch down submissively. I do my best to referee, but sometimes it is best to let Boo take the lead and do whatever she must to keep the peace. Our Vet finally shed the true light on the problem for me, she said Abby is telling all the other cats that I am her property and she isn’t willing to share. I know this to be true, and since there isn’t a problem between the cats when I am not there I know that it is me that is the problem. Both girls want to be with me, and I find myself walking a tightrope when we all are in the same room. But, occasionally in the evening when both girls are still, I can have Boo at my side contently napping and Abby on my lap, solid in her comfort zone, and I am happy to have them together with peace all around.

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