Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My First Picture

DAY 1 of my new life
~by Abby

All I can remember is my former man made my little girl put me in my igloo and give me to some strange woman who took me away. I cried and cried for my little girl but no one heard me. Then we went to this unusual place with lots of other kitties and woofies and even fev-vers. All of a sudden this new lady came up to me and I jump on her. TAKE ME OUTTA HERE. She must have heard me because before I knew it I was outta there faster than a jail break. I said you're going the wrong way. I need to get back to my little girl. They didn't listen to me. Instead they took me to this new place that had CAT SMELLS! They tried to bribe me with a fancy new bed and toys and food, but HA they weren't going to get one over on me that fast. I hissed and beared my fank (well I was missing one of my canines) and swatted at them with my tiny paw and they were perplexed. Didn't they understand I needed to get back to my little girl? She misses me and I miss her. So after awhile this new lady got the message and she left me alone. I sat there alone in this new room and I pondered my fate....what was about to happen to me?

Day 2

Well it's a new day. My new lady came in and visited with me. I was happy to see her. I was just happy to see someone. I had been locked up in this room by myself all night, so I decided I might be a little friendlier. She was very nice to me and I let her hold me. I did give her a few good nips though just to let her know I am not a kitty to be messed with.

Day 3

There are 3 other cats in this house, I am not a cat who is crazy about other cats. Where I was living we had one other cat and he and I had a mutual understanding. YOU stay outdoors and I will stay indoors. We both liked it that way. These 3 want to come into my space. *ummmmmfgh* I don't think so. I am going to barricade the door with my new bed. The new lady comes in a lot to see me. I am beginning to like sitting in her lap. She talks real nice to me and is very caring. I like that. I still give her nips for good measure.

Day 4

Well things are coming along. I am beginning to get use to everything around here. As long as I am with my new lady and those other cats stay out of my room everything is fine. My new lady says I can call her Mom if I want to. I am thinking about it. I haven't decided yet. She is real nice and spends a lot of time with me. I am starting to look forward to her coming into my room and spending time with me. She comes in before she leaves for work and brings me breakfast...it is the best stuff. I never had stinky goodness before, all they let me eat was one dry food mix which I didn't like very much, but it was all I had. Mom...oops I mean the lady also gave me some stuff that is great it's called Temptations. Wow are they ever good.

Day 5

I get to spend a lot of time by myself. That's OK with me. I am a solitary kitty. I am wondering when my new Mom is coming to see me. She is gone during the day but when she gets home she comes to see me! She really likes me. She talks softly to me and pets me and rocks me. I like sleeping in her lap. This is better than my other home. I think maybe I will stay here. I still miss my little girl, but she had other things that kept her interest. I think it is best that I stay right here, is that OK with you Momma?


Sammy asked me to tell you about my first five days... it took many more days before I would come out of my room, and it took many more before I was left with Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie. But, I love my Momma and I love being here. I would not go back for anything in the whole wide kitty world.

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