Tuxie Woes....
Yesterday afternoon, Abby, Boo and Jinx were all in the hallway together. Abby and Boo had just been together in the bedroom where Abby had fussed at Boo. Abby has a habit of getting right up in Boo's face and MEOWING loudly at her. Back in the hallway, all of a sudden out of nowhere Boo rises up like a stallion and gives Abby a double one two *thack* with claws unsheathed. Abby had NO idea this was about to happen and neither did I, it took place in a mere 2 seconds. She was stunned and she started acting funny. I followed her as she headed out of the hallway and into the kitchen. When she jumped up on the counter I could see she was favoring her eye. She was blinking and trying to keep it closed. It was a quarter to six and I thought well let me call my Vet. They said they consider anything with the eye to be an emergency and not to wait until the next day, to take her to an emergency clinic. So, off we go on what is a 45 minute ride to the clinic. There was hardly anyone besides us there and we had to wait nearly 2 hours before we could see the Vet. It was frustrating to have to wait especially since Abby is very fearful and she was hurting. I felt so bad for her. They did stain her eye and it is scratched. The Vet did say it was a superficial scratch and will probably heal in 24 hours. She gave me some antibiotic ointment to treat her with. This morning she is keeping her eye nearly shut. I managed to get some ointment in her eye this morning, but she was so upset with me that she hid for awhile. Abby is not a good patient. But she did come out and she did give me her kitty kisses, so I guess she understands I am not trying to hurt her. She is definitely feeling some discomfort and she wasn't her normal perky self. But she ate well, and I think just keeping quiet today will be good for her. I think I am more of a wreck than she is. Unfortunately the clinic said to take her to her normal Vet in 48 hours. So I am sure Abby isn't going to happy about that....
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