Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ping's Update

It's been tough on Ping the past few days. He can't tolerate being on his left back leg so he doesn't stand for long. When he walks he barely puts any pressure on his leg. In examining him I have finally been able to discern that his pain is in his heel. He has started to pick off the fur where it is bothering him the most. I am still not convinced that he might not have a fracture there, so I think a follow up to the Vet is going to be in the very near future. But he is better. He isn't in as much discomfort as he was this past Thursday and Friday. But to make sure he eats I bring his plate to him while he lays on the couch, so he has curb side service. He got baby food last night and he really enjoyed that. Although this morning while I was trying to get ready for work, he wanted to do what he normally does which is jump up on the counter and drink from the little bowl near the sink. Well he couldn't get up enough 'push' to propel himself up, so he was beginning to fall, so I caught him underneath his tail which I thought would not hurt his leg. Well it must have hurt anyway and he meowed in pain, and all heck broke. Abby who was in the bathroom did NOT want me holding Ping and before I knew what was happening I had a hurting Ping in my arms meowing out in pain and I had Abby crawling up my leg with brimstone in her eyes howling at Ping. She was swiping at Ping and he was scared and howling and I knew better than to just put him down, so I tried to move but by then she was put to my jacket and hanging on so I thought I better put him down on the bathroom counter and he was screaming in pain, so while she was stick stuck to me Ping went and sat on the floor well as soon as Abby turned loose she was after Ping in full attack mode. He was scared and hissing and he hobbled off to the top of the couch where he normally sleeps. She was in full pursuit and by the time I got there she was nearly on top of him. So you may think I'm nuts but I know she isn't angry at me, so I just grab her and take her back to the bathroom with me and close the door so she can calm down. Which she does, but then I get to assess the damage done to me. She got both arms and both legs. It's not bad, it's more like where she was using me as her climbing pole, so I have 'holes' where her claws got traction. She is totally possessive and she will not tolerate me holding any of the other cats. This is what she did when we were trying to get Ping in the PTU to take him to the Vet last Thursday. Does anyone have any good suggestions for how to get a pill into a cat that won't take one? I feel so bad for Ping and I wish I could get his pain pill down but he has been so stressed I didn't want to try and pry open his mouth and force it. Any suggestions?
What a morning.........

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