It's been wacky around here lately. Momma got sick and had to have these strange men in a big metal box show up. Daddy locked us all up while they were here to check Momma out, then Daddy took Momma away to the emergency Vet. They didn't get back home until way way early in the morning. Momma was on something called moorefiend...she didn't look too good. The next day she slept all day and Abby slept on top of her -- finally she didn't have no more moorefiend in her and she said she was glad. We was glad Momma was OK! But it scarit her and us a lot, only good fing was she stayed home with us for 5 whole days and nights. Wowie Momma you ought to get sick more often!
The day before I had my little adventure we were trying to give Ping his antibiotics. I do emphasize trying! While his Daddy held him I gave him his medicine in the eye dropper. Well he knew what the eye dropper was and he fought us tooth and paw. Even though he was in a towel he still managed to create all kinds of mayhem. During the struggle, blood went everywhere. I didn't know where the blood had come from and upon further investigation I found that the bite area on Ping's leg had opened up. I felt so bad and it hurt him terribly. His poor little leg was just shaking from the pain. As happens the next day it was so much better. In hindsight it was a blessing that that area popped open because we now believe it helped the healing go so much quicker. The leg is still bothering him a bit, but he is almost completely back to being Ping! It is great to see him growing stronger every day.
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