I'm reminded of the passages of the family members I have lost and during this holiday season as we prepare for another Christmas without them -- sharing decorations, songs and traditions ; I'm reminded how many people are struggling this holiday season with heavy hearts that others don't see. That person who just "stole" your parking spot at the mall might have had eyes blurred by tears of homesickness. That person wandering aimlessly in the path of your progress at the store might be drifting in memories of loved ones and lost traditions. That flustered and frustrated mother of three in front of you in line might be crying on the inside for her own mother and trying to figure out how she's going to cook her first holiday dinner by herself. Or that person sitting next to you at work may have just come from the Vet's office where she had to say her final farewell to a dear life long companion.
Please extend peace this season. Warmth. Kindness. Understanding. Patience with your fellow humans and kitties .Rather than our rush, our busyness, our frustration and impatience, may we all find the time to share our joy this holiday with others.
From our hearts to yours, may you find the happiness and joy of the season blessing your family.
Merry Christmas to All!
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