Thursday, September 09, 2010

Cat Ladies

Last night on Animal Planet I found a special show called Cat Ladies.
It saddens to me to think that media wants to portray people, especially women as "crazy" cat ladies. I wish I knew what the women who were depicted in the show thought of how they were portrayed.

There were four stories woven together, one mid-aged woman had three cats and spoke of her devotion and love for them, and only them. She was made to appear that she shunned human interaction.

Another was a younger single woman looking for romance but unable to find a suitable partner, and she seemed to want to believe the reason she couldn't find love was because of her 16 cats. At one point, she finally admitted that her abusive childhood made her have 'trust issues' with people.

The other two were a bit disturbing to me. One lady was a "rescuer" who felt that she alone could take care of over 100 cats in her suburban home (much to the chagrin on her neighbors). When you give up your bed to sleep on a plastic chair it's gone too far. Plus with having no medical background I don't think that there is any way housing that many cats in a small area is good for their health.

The last lady was a middle aged retired woman who had spent all of her savings on caring for homeless cats. She knew she had gone too far -- she had over 90 cats and was trying to adopt out.

Why does the media focus on making women look crazy?

I know of many people who serve animals to better their living conditions and they aren't anything like some of the women depicted on this show. It upsets me that those people who are striving to make a difference aren't given the attention they deserve.


  1. Amen to that! I shall probably never understand humans!

  2. I didn't see the show, but it would have irritated me. I realize there is a hoarding condition, but women who choose cat company over human company, or cat company because there isn't a suitable partner should not be made out to look "troubled".

  3. I am almost 45 years old with 5 cats=I hate it when people act like there is something wrong with me for loving my animals as my babies...They are my babies and I wouldn't want a man who wouldn't love them too=a good way to weed out the bad men if you ask me!!

  4. Rumblemum says she sees nothing wrong with shunning humans to spend time with us (and that is as it should be ;))

  5. They've even got a proper cinematic trailer and are selling the dvds of this programme! And they're not even saying "proceeds will go to animal rescue centres"!

    It's voyeuristic tittilation and a guaranteed selling point to pander this documentary to the lowest common denominator.

    The only winners here are the tv people. :-(

    Oh look it's even got awards.

    Poor women, poor kitties. Please please please say no next time a tv producer/researcher approaches you and asks you to be in a documentary. TV is not the answer!!!

    Take care

  6. No, I'm the middle-aged woman with 3 cats who shuns human interaction. Really.

    I don't know why they take this slant. Why not do a program on men who live alone with dogs or cats or pigs or whathaveyou. I'll bet they wouldn't be portrayed as crazy. A real stereotype and this kind of thing doesn't help.

  7. This is the Admiral's mom. I hate it when women are always stereotyped as ANYthing..but especially to showcase women as a whole as crazy cat people. What is so crazy about loving your lets? My girl is like a baby to me as have been all of my cats thru time. They learn to trust you and depend on you. That's rather child-like I think. But I do have a life and friends who are human MOL, as do the rest of us.

    They showcased some well meaning cat owners who are in trouble and depicted it as all of us. I refuse to watch that channel. Thank you for telling me about their show. That just nailed it down that I won't watch them. I haven't so far as I can't stand seeing suffering animals even if they are being helped.

    I mention my cat frequently in my own blog and if anyone sees me as a crazy cat lady they have been good enough not to say so and I have a lot of readers. I use her antics as blog fodder. Hopefully that is obvious. But..maybe not. :-) Well, I am writing too much. It's a sore spot with me too.

  8. sorry for the typo. That's supposed to be " loving your PETS" not 'lets'.

  9. Greetings my dear,

    As I scanned over some of the comments that were left, I wish to agree with Jacqueline as to cats also helping her 'weed out the bad men . . .' is certainly true.

    Just think daddy has always had a feline companion and though it does not work as well as attracting girls as a dog, since cats do not go for walks, but once a woman see a man loves cats, she now knows he loves to cuddle.

    As for the post, I hate to agree here since the news does not seem to balance the story as there are many who only have a couple or just one, but then it does not sell the news as someone collecting several dozen or a hundred.

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
    Miss Kitty

  10. Well said! Mom AND Dad volunteer in animal rescue, so there are varying numbers of kitties who hang out here at Casa Furry Bambino. Presently there are three official fosters, as well as a Mama with SEVEN babies in the back yard that Mom and Dad are trying to trap for TNR or possible adoption. If everyone took responsibility and spayed or neutered their pets, most of this would be a non-issue.

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel


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