Thursday, September 09, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

My mellow fellow takes it easy in the warmth of the afternoon.


  1. Mr. Jinx.....Mommy is just in love with you! Sweet picture!

  2. Hello there Mr Jinx!! Me and Charlie love that you are having a very mellow afternoon basking in your own pool of sunbeams! Take care

  3. Such a beautiful comfy picture Mr. Jinx!

  4. Mr. Jinx, you look wonderfully relaxed. In fact, our human would like to trade places with you right now!

  5. Jinx you are one handsome dude! Enjoy your nap!

  6. are so handsome and gleamy and just so comfortable and happy. Nose taps to you.

  7. Greetings to you Abby,

    Thank you for stopping by our blog and leaving such a gracious comment, making us feel ever so welcome to the feline community. Everyone has been so very nice.

    You certainly do have your hands full with 4 felines in the house, but from the looks of everything, they seem to get along nicely with just an occasional disagreement.

    It will be a pleasure to follow you, daddy will also ad the link to The DIRECTORY since he has several sites.

    Oh, I just remembered that I find 'Thoughtful Thursday' and 'Wordless Wednesday' I find fantastic and daddy is going to have to do something with me for those days, as I would love to join in.

    Feel free to also drop me a line as I am only an email away.

    Take care and enjoy your Friday,
    Miss Kitty and Egmont


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs