Friday, July 29, 2011

I Had To Go To The Vet

Mom just got the call from the Vet's office.
They said all of my numbers are within normal.
Mom says she feels like she can breath again!
And she says my eye is so much better this morning after the antibiotics!
Have a great Friday everyone, we are!

Mom took me and put me in the PTU yesterday. I curled up and made myself super small but it didn't keep me out of being zipped up inside. I cried but that didn't make any difference either. She put me in the metal machine and we took off. Once we started going she zipped open the top and I looked out and was OK. It is a long ride to the Vet's from our house but at least Mom made it so we weren't in heavy traffic. See that gunk in my eye? Well for a little while now Mom has seen it and was watching over me, but yesterday, I would only open my eye about half way, so she said that's it, and she made the appointment. Luckily when we got there they took us right in and stole my pee and my bloods (Mom brought them my poo sample herself -- I wondered what she was doing with that!). But the tech said I was a good girl that she didn't shave my neck because I didn't move. NO joke Sherlock, would you move if someone shoved a needle in your neck? The Vet looked at me and said I have small cataracts in each eye, but she said it is age related and she wasn't worried, they gave Mom some junk to put into my eyes and Mom is sure that will clear up my eye gunk, the Vet wasn't worried about that. My poo sample came back negative and now we are all waiting on the blood results. Mom worries but I'm sure it'll be OK. But she knows I am 12 so it just worries her a bit more than it used to. But I hope my Vet experience is over for another year.



  1. Sorry to hear you had to go to the vet! I hope the rest of your tests come back negative. It's good that you held still for the vet; it's a lot worse for everyone when kitties wriggle (Scarlett hasn't figured that one out yet).

  2. Ugh, Abby, vet trips are NO fun! I hope the bloodwork checks out okay so that you don't have to have anything more to deal with!

  3. Whew! Glad that's ofur! You deserve a restful weekend. xoxo

    Pee Ess - hope efurrything comes back ok.

  4. Going to the Vets is no fun, but we are glad you were so good that they didn't have to steal your furs. We are sure your blood test will be fine.

    Cody and Gracie

  5. PS - happy birthday to your Mama.

    C & G

  6. We hope the bloods come back okay and you don't have to go to the vet again. Horrid place. And we hope the eye junk removes the gunk. 12 is a fine age for a kitty but it does mean extra health stuff which is not so much fun....

  7. Sweeet beautiful and brave Abby!!!! Me and Charlie are so happy your are ok!! You rest now and enjoy the summer!! We purr and pray for good results for your blood work! Take care

  8. Poor were such a brave girl. I am proud of you too. I am also amazed at how great you did with your bloods. WOW! Alex sure didn't act the way you did when he had his bloods done (let's just say, it wasn't pretty).. I hope the gunk removes the junk. Alex and I are purraying for good blood results. Alex sends you stump wiggles.

  9. Oh, we hope you're just fine, Abby! What an ordeal! We hope everything turns out well!

  10. Abby, we're sorry you had to go to the dreaded v-e-t and are crossing our paws your bloodwork is fine. We're glad your eye really isn't an issue, that it will clear up. You seem to be a healthy, happy ladycat, we're sure all will be okay!

  11. Glad it all went well at the vet Abby. It is not any fun at all going to the vet. We are sending some purrs that the tests come with good results. We just know they will. Have yourselves a fantastic day.

  12. You were so brave yesterday Abby - we are not the nicest girls in the car as even if we've just been we always manage a big wee in the car!
    We hope you results on the blood tests are good and your eyes get better so you don't need to go there again.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. We are sending purrs your way! Hope your eye clears up and that the blood tests come back great! Purrs from Sage and Fizz

  14. Oh, we hate going to the Stabby Place too! We hope your eye clears right up.

  15. I'm glad you did so well sweet Abby and we're sending you lots of purrs for that eye gunk to go away and for great test results!

  16. Abby I'm praying for your blood test results and hoping your eye clears right up

  17. Well that is just the pits...a vet visit for a pesky eye booger. We prefer to howl and foam in the car, both ways. It's fun and helps pass the time in a highly constructive manner.
    Purrs that your eye clears up and you pass your tests with flying colors!

  18. Hi Abby
    I'm so glad all your vet stuff went well and your tests came back A OK!! Whew!! We hope your eye feels better soon.

    OMC I had to go to the vet today for my annual checkup. They stole my blood too because of my age. My vet will call on Monday with the results.

    Happy B-day to your Mom and tell her Mom loves her new flashy beast. I feel sorry for you kitties. MOL
    Hugs Madi

  19. We were so happy to see your update with the good news. Hope your eye is all well in no time. Hugs and nose kisses

  20. We are glad you have good and normal numbers Abby! And Ping--you and Abby are wonderful fluff. Momma thinks the reason I am so much more popular than Chey on places like Catster and even when I had my own blog I always got more comments was because I am cute--and that's who I am! Cheysuli, well, Cheysuli is a totally different cat (and it is her blog)... Now Ichiro--he could do cute too. But I hope not because I do not think I like him very much.

  21. That is really great news and we are all so happy too!

  22. oh my most darling little tuxie princess angel, I am coming ofur to hold your paws and cuddle you.
    purrrss n nosekissies - your adoring floofy cocoapuff meezerman Sammy

  23. Oh, Abby, how traumatic for you to go to the Vet. We are so glad about th report and that the antibiotics for your eye are working quickly. Perhaps you got a bit of a scratch in it or something? Feel all better!

  24. Gosh, Miss Abby, we're sorry your eye is hurty! We hope you're able to take your antibiotics like a good little girl until you're all better.

  25. Whew, it is so good to hear that your results are within normal, Abby. What a nuisance for you and your mom to have to visit the vet, but it turned out well and you showed them you are in pretty good shape. Hope the antibiotics are not too evil tasting.

  26. Oh Abby, we're sorry you hadta go to the vet, but we're glad your bloods tested okay. We hope those antibiotics make you feel better.

  27. Oh Abby! Poor sweetie! I hope you got cuddled and given special treats and everything when you gotted home from the stabby place! We are soooo happy to hear everything is okay and your eye is getting better. Enjoy your weekend, sweet girl!

  28. Abby, we are so happy you are OK and that your tests were good :) We love happy news!!!!!!
    Purrs Tillie & Georgia

  29. So glad you're doing okay!!

    And is it Happy Birthday to you Mom?

  30. Hi Abby - we hope everything is OK! Sounds like yoo did well at the V-E-T!

  31. We seem to be forever behind lately. We are glad everything went all right for you at the vet Abby and that your numbers are where they should be.

  32. Cataracts in your eyes? Well, as long as the antibiotics clear up the infection parts, then that's good news.

    Obi has nasty gunk collecting in his eye, and now Maw says that he has to go to the V-E-T tomorrow. Always something!

    Luf, Us


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Happy purrs