Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Tail(less) Or Two

Our friend Alex over at Feeling Beach, recently had to have his tail removed. He looks so cute being turned into a tailess kitty. Well Alex's Mom said yesterday was the first time she had really seen my tailessness so I thought I would share some pictures of me takes over the years that show off my cute little tushie. I have a rounded shape which is a typical one for manxies. I am what is called a rumpie manx, I have no tail at all, if you put your finger at the base of where a normal cat's tail would be you would feel a hollowed out area on my nub. The fur around the area where a tail would be, fluffs up and makes me look like I have a bit of a tail, but I don't. That is all fur. I am not fond of my fur 'tail' being touched. Some manxies have troubles with the ability to use the bathroom, and although Mom says I don't have those problems she can see how valuable that tail is for cats, it really helps them go. So let me know what you think of my tailessness!

The END.


  1. Momma says you are a cute little rumpie girl! She thinks you look a bit rabbit like from certain angles too!

    Hello my handsome Ping!

  2. Beyond adorable! Especially on the sink with your back 'knees' together! lol

  3. With or without tails, we kitties rule!

  4. Roosa here is a little rumpie Manxie and she does not like having her back touched. We thought she was very strange when she arrived and we keep our distance from her as she has a claw that will not retract. SHe spends her time with brother Risto who has a half tail. Both love Äiti and spend loads of time with her but Äiti worries because she thinks we bully them because of their half/no tail. Do you get problems with the others? But Äiti loves all of us, and she loves the way Roosa runs around - a bit like a rabbit sometimes as you say.

  5. you look like a rabbit!!!
    we love you

    hugs & kissess;
    BoBo Salem & the gang

  6. We think you has a cute little rumpie tush! All of you is just beautiful, Abby. We will always be in wuz wif you :-)

    We use our tails a lot to communicate. But we figure you don't need no tail to let everyone know what you be thinking. That's on account how smart, and sweet, you are.

    Have a wonderful day!

  7. We think you have a cute little tailless tushie. One of the kitties who came before at our house had to have part of his tail removed. He and his litter mate were Siamese, so our Uncle M would tell his friends that they were Siamese Twins who were joined at the tail when they were born and when the doctor cut them apart, he misjudged the distance.

    Cody and Gracie

  8. Awwwwww sweet precious Abby!! You are pretty and purrfect and precious!! Yay!!! Me and Charlie love these pics of you!! Take care

  9. I think you are cute, Seriously : )

  10. We love that tailless look. Your patootie is so cute. The pictures of your tailless bottom are terrific. Take care and have a really fun day.

  11. Thanks so much for posting these pictures! You are SO BEAUTIFUL Abby! I love your little tushie! I didn't realize you had no tail. I thought it was a little stumpy like Alex's. I can understand why you don't like it touched.... The picture of you drinking from the sink is so cute. But, I am prejudiced. It reminds me of Alex. He does that all the time too! Alex & I send big hugs

  12. Awe what a tushie!! Mum thinks the last one is quite funny hehehe

  13. Who needs tails when you are so adorable!

    Our Mom had a Manx cat when she was younger who had a tail. He was born to tailless parents!

  14. Very adorable!!! Do you bunny hop when you run? Mom fostered a kitten with a shortie tail and he would hop when he got going fast!!

  15. You are such a beautiful girl and a true joy!

  16. Aww! What a beautiful kitteh you are, tail or no tail.

  17. We know you have never had a tail but does it make a lot of difference to your balance when you are jumping from place to place?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. Abby my sweet friend you are most beatuiful from the tip of your nose to the top of your rump...Great pictures of your tail(less) self.
    Hugs from your Bff,

  19. You are so adorable and pretty even with no tail!! <3 <3

  20. Miss Abby we think you an your tail nub are both beautiful!!!

  21. We can't imagine not having a tail - to do all sorts of things with. But you sure look cute without one!

  22. The Human and I think you are purrfect. *I* think your rumpie is, well, very alluring, Abby.

  23. We have always loved your cute little tail-less behind!!! Adorable!

  24. What a fun post of your tail, er, area, Miss Abby!!!!

  25. My mommy said that when she was 12, she had a black true Manx baby to love. Hid name was Blackie acause mommy didn't have a good namer in her head!

    Abby, you're going to the v*t tomowwow? Are you alright? Let me re-read your back blogs and and mommy have your back. Count on us!

  26. Abby, we think your tail-less-ness is adorable!! And makes you so unique!

  27. We LOVE your poof where a tail would be! Mom's black kitty, Binky Baby(RIP) had to have all but two inches of her tail removed due to chronic cysts. Mom went ga-ga over it and just loved how it would wiggle when Binky Baby was happy.

  28. Rumples are hot. ...just watch out for that Mr. Puddy. I don't know if his intentions are honorable.

    Thanks for coming by and leaving me a funny caption for my photo today. LOVED it! hehehehehe

  29. We love yoor cute little tush! We amember when daddy sed yoo was a rumpie manx and we thawt he was just being rude and den we found out dat is what it's called. We think you it should be called "cute butt manx"...but dat is just what we think it is.

  30. We think you have the cutest little rumpie butt Abby.

  31. I guess you know by now, I look very like you do. When I had my tail removed (twice), tests showed the margins (da vet's word) still contained some malignant cells. I hadda go back and have the rest of my tail removed and of course it took months for my shaved furs to grow back. For a while I looked awful with this haircut, but now with my hair grown in, I bet I could pass for a Manx mancat.

    Hope your friend Beachy is doing okay. My surgery took place a year and a half ago, and I am still okay.



We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs