Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursdays In The Garden

Come check out the happenings in the garden where...

and the bees are a buzzin

and the flowers are glowin

this is some of my azaleas from earlier in the year

Gracie keeps a very watchful eye on everything.

We hope you enjoyed our brief visit to the garden and hope
you will come back again.
Please don't forget to visit the ever magical Master Gardener
himself, Jonesie.
Until next week!
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  1. I love those bee photos! My human tried to get some the other day and she failed miserably. I think she was worried the bee was going to sting her for disturbing its rounds.

  2. What beautiful flowers! Gracie looks very interested in something...was it Mr Bee?

  3. Your garden is pretty magical, too. Great pics of the bee. Best to keep him under close snoopervision, Gracie.

  4. Your garden is looking bootiful.

  5. Gracie we are certain it is your watchful eye and tender car that makes your garden so pretty.
    Keep up the good work
    Hugs Madi

  6. You have THE most beautiful flowers in your garden.
    Downright exotic to our midwestern eyes where petunias & geraniums are the norm! (Though they are pretty in their own right too!)

  7. Hi good to see your beautiful face again. xxxooo

  8. Those are some terrific pictures!!

  9. Again, lovely gardens shots! Ours is still wilted!

  10. What gorgeous garden pictures!


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs