Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Moody Tuxie Toosday

Mom took this picture of me sitting on top of her iPaw. It makes a good seat.
You can see her reflection in the window. She says she likes the "moodiness" of this
picture as the desk lamp is the only source of light. She keeps saying my ears are too
big for my head. What is she muttering about? My ears fit just right. It's my big teeth
you should be worried about Momma.


  1. I think we call that frootbat ears and they are the best, according to Chey. Who has, handsome Ping, taken over my Tabby Tuesday post. How rude...

  2. Yous got great frootbats! The pic is nice! Happy Tuxie Tuesday.

  3. If your human says that about our ears, Abby, I can only imagine what she would say about mine!

  4. Those are adorable ears! They go so well with your huge eyes. Maybe one day you could show us your big teeth too. Hee hee.

  5. Ear ear, Abby! You tell her!, lol

  6. mine dear sweet tuxie angel, you ears and teefs are purrfekt - just like you!

    purrsss n nosekissies - your adoring floofy cocoapuff meezerman Sammy

  7. Yes, as we recall, it IS your teeth that your mom should be worried about! :-)

  8. Awwwww amazing Abby!! You are purrfect ears!! Yay! Take care

  9. If you had big ears Abby you'd hear the food going into your dish before any other cat - just meowing!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. Abby what a cute picture...
    MOL your Mom best watch out for pearly whites when you are begging for your BIG ears to be scratched
    Hugs Madi

  11. That is a very fancy picture pretty lady!

  12. Your ears are very pretty that way sweetie. You wouldn't look like Gracie if you had different ears. I vote for leaving them alone.

  13. All the better to hear when the human opens the food... MOL

  14. Lovely ears and we do like the lighting in the pic.

  15. That picture captures your mysterious side, Abby.

  16. I hopes you play wif painting games on your iPaw? I have three!


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs