Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday In the Garden


Welcome to our fall garden.
Here in Florida we always have something blooming.
Even when it's Winter it's still fairly warm here.

Some of Mom's roses still blooming strong.
She usually keeps her roses all year round.

She loves her some colorful plants.

Pops of yellows!

And of course my ever watchful green eyes.

We are glad you joined us today on our small stroll around the garden
Please come back and join me next week.
I need all the help I can get keeping an eye on the Mom.
And please don't forget to check out the Master Gardener Jonesie.


  1. Oh Ping--that looks so beautiful. And I was out in our sunshine and in the yard today too but Mama didn't put that up on the blog. Sigh.

  2. The Human says that yellow rose is the bomb--purrsunally I don't know what the heck that even means, but she says her students say it when something really rocks, so I guess it's okay. The Humans just make no sense at all, do they?

  3. Those roses do look beautiful, what wonderful colours. Mummy spent yesterday afternoon planting lots of winter pansies to add colour to our garden. Maybe I will get mummy to take some pictures when they start to flower :)xx

  4. My human took some rose photos the other day - the blooms were tired looking and they were covered in weird looking bugs! Okay, there were only TWO bugs, but she is putting them up on her own photo blog. Needless to say, she did not bring the bugs in for me to eat.

  5. Amazing flowers, your mummy has a real gift! Our mummy kills cat grass, no way would she grow such amazing flowers!

  6. How apt that Gardener Ping has green eyes. :) Guess you'll look pretty wierd if you had green paws! MOL.

  7. Handsome Mr Ping!! You are doing a great job helping mum - your garden is looking so colourful and beautiful! Yay! Take care

  8. You do have some wonderful flowers Ping and some wonderful whiskers.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Ping your mom has a beautiful garden and a very handsome mancat guard
    hugs Madi

  10. i would love to take a stroll through your beautiful garden!

  11. A look round your garden cheers me up no end! :)

  12. Such beauty! Oh.... the flowers too.

  13. Hey, Abby! Thanks for visiting my bloggie :) Glad to have met you!
    Lots of Luv, xoxo
    ~Sherlock,Ash and Traveler

  14. What lovely lovely pictures! It's always such a pleasure for the human and I!

  15. What gorgeous flowers you have. I think your mom is a Master gardener because everything is so purrfect!

  16. purrrss n nosekissies to mine gorgeous sweet tuxie angel princess Abby

    your adoring floofy cocoapuff meezerman Sammy

  17. How lovely! Is your mummy ok? Yo u sound worried about her.

  18. We are always so envious of how pretty your garden is. Ours is being over run by dead leaves now. Blah! Did handsome Ping help out?

  19. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL photos!!!
    ...but Ping's those are magical!
    ; ) Katie


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs