Thursday, July 18, 2013

Update On Boo

The Vet checked Boo out from the tips of her whiskers to her tail. She was such a good girl. He could not find any reason for her continued vomiting. But her weight is down by at least a pound. He said she is slim (she is 9 lbs) but not skinny. He said she needs to gain a pound or so. We'll have the lab results tomorrow or Saturday. But here's praying that she keeps her food down and we just chalk this up to the unknown. Thanks for keeping us in your purrs.


  1. Pawyers and prrrrrrrs for healing! Me-Ommmmm

  2. I'm keeping my paws crossed that Miss Boo gets better and the vomiting was just a temporary thing, like maybe she ate something that disagreed with her and that's it.

  3. Oh no! We must have missed this at some point. Our purrs to Miss Boo!

  4. We're keeping Boo in our purrayers! Hopefully whatever it is that's causing the vomiting will pass and she'll feel better.

  5. Oh, no, we missed that she wasn't feeling well! We hope it's just something that will run its course on its own...presumably IBD or hyper-thyroidism have been considered (hope not for either). Hairball? She's not constipated, is she? That can cause vomiting too.

    Purrs and purrayers from us.

  6. We missed that Boo was under the weather. We hope she feels better soon. We're purring for her... and you, too, because we know you're worried.

  7. boo...manee blessings oh st francis two ewe for grate health N noe upsetz bellahz...pleez ta tell yur mom ta chek inta nutri cal....ore GNC's version: calorie booster for cats...itz packed fulla vitamins N minerals N calories...gnc haz burd flavor..nutri cal doez will help maintain yur weights...that ore 932 ham samiches :)

  8. We hope all gets better really soon Miss Boo!

  9. Still purring up a storm for Miss Boo xoxox

  10. Oh no, we didn't realize Miss Boo wasn't feeling well...we are sending our biggest purrs, prayers and good thoughts for good test results and for her to start feeling better ASAP and for all to resolve with ease.

  11. Please let us know if the lab results come in today. Purring for Miss Boo. xxxooo


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs