Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thankful Thursday In The Garden

 Welcome to our Thankful Thursday Garden Tour!
It may be hard to tell but the white and green background is our jasmine in full bloom.
 Abby's Garden is filling up. I added Annabelle's name stake and I am ordering one for Ping, Boo and Jinx so all the cats will be included in the garden.
 The Lilies are all starting to bloom.
 Last year I replanted every one of those Lily of the Nile and I cannot tell you how much work it was. Our pyracrantha had rotted out from the roots and we had to remove a very mature, heavily stickered tree. It was one very tough job. This year I am so glad that we did that task as this is so much easier to maintain and grow.
SO my gratitude is less is more!
Hope your Gardens are happily growing!
We're joining in on PepiSmartDog Thankful Thursday.
We also are celebrating International Boxing Day.
Thank you Ann from Zoolarty for the beautiful graphic.
Abby never met a box she didn't like and she was certainly "sunsweet"!

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  1. Your garden is looking lovely! Ours is starting to come together finally!

  2. Your garden is stunning - all that hard work paid off!

  3. the garden is lovely and therapeutic. so nice to hear that all hte kitties will have a stake.

    emma and buster

  4. c'est un jardin merveilleux

  5. Your garden looks gorgeous, and we love that all the kitties will be represented in Abby's garden.

    Our garden has been eaten by the deer again. We really should run a photo of it because it's kind of funny to see a garden with sticks in the middle of it. We like looking at yours much better, though!

  6. Your garden is beautiful and guess you spend a lot of time and effort into making it so beautiful.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Such a beautiful garden! Love all the stakes with everyone's names on them.

  8. WOW! You have a gorgeous garden!!!! Jealous! I am not much of a gardener, just a few flowers. I need to do more with them though. Love your name stake. Very beautiful!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  9. yur gardin iz reeeeeely lookin good guys N abby rocks in de box !! ♥♥
    heerz two an Antarctic cod kinda week oh end !!

  10. What a beautiful Garden you have...I love Abby's Place!!
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  11. The garden is beautiful. I like the name stakes.

  12. OMC What a gawjus gawden and yous look puretty in yous box.

    Luv ya'


  13. Awww...I love that last pic of Abby in her box.

    Your garden is so pretty. Wow. I love those name stakes. I'd love to know where you get them.

  14. Your garden always looks so well looked after, happy and cheerful.

    I really like the name stakes. Did you get them online?

  15. Beautiful garden! Love those name stakes - a great addition to the garden. And Abby is look so cute in her box!

  16. Your garden is always so pretty and we love that Abby Box too.

  17. Your garden is lovely. I love flowers.
    I have some of what your call Lily of the Nil. In french the name is Agapanthe. You can find them everywhere in the Côte d'Azur. They like warm and sunny weather.
    But ... deers love Agapanthe. They are walking disasters !
    Douce soirée
    Nat à Chat

  18. Happy International Box Day! And yer garden looks very NICE. Hard werk (by the Beins, not us of course) is well-rewarded.

  19. Our garden is imaginary but yours is pretty. We never met a box we didn't like either. Except when Jan wants to take a picture of us in it.

  20. As everyone else has said, your garden is beautiful. All that very hard work certainly paid off! xx

  21. We love the name stakes.
    We also like Abby in the box :)
    The garden is looking very pretty. We are happy to say our daylilies are starting to bloom :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  22. You have an amazing garden!! Happy International Box Day!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  23. your garden is so glorious in photos that it has to be even more glorious and magical in person!

  24. Every photo is purrfect. Abby in the box is precious, and we love the garden. Where do you get the stakes with the kitties' names on them? Mom would love to do something like that in our gardens. Happy Box Day. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. The garden (and Annabelle) look wonderful! Adore the picture of Angel Abby in her box. Happy Box Day :)

  26. The garden took lots and lots of work- didn't it? The kittys that live here get sticky stuff on them from different plants,,, but my world is kinda untamed,,, it would be more fun- like yours.

  27. The garden is looking beautiful.. Wondering where you're getting the name stakes for the babies from? Love them!! >^!^< Would love for Angel Amber, Angel Yin-Yang, and the babies Darby, Mia and Ian.

  28. OMC your garden is absolutely Beautiful :) xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  29. Pretty garden, just like you!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  30. A belated Happy Box Day!

    Cats of wildcat woods

  31. As always we adore your garden tours. Love the stakes you made with the kitty names! Such a sweet photo of Angel Abby in her special box.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs