Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thankful Thursday In the Garden

Thankful Thursday in the Garden

Annabelle's full attention!

And a smattering of flowers that are blooming!

I salvaged this from my Grandmother's home
after she died in 2002.
So I think of her every time I see it.
It's the top of an old weather vane.

Abby's little garden area.

A happy birthday to Mom today!



  1. You are sowing us such lovely and precious things

  2. So nice to see your garden :)
    There are so many different flowers.
    None.though, as pretty as you Annabelle ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. You garden is full of lovely flowers.

  4. You have such a gorgeous garden!

  5. Pretty flowers!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. Ah, spring is here - or, rather, there! And happy birthday, too!

  7. What a colorful garden you have. We love the little cat in the first photo
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. guys...a most happee birthday two yur mom !! ♫♪♫♪♫♪ due sum thin nice for her; like get her sum mice creem & perch pizza pie... ☺☺☺ we send best fishes, happee day wishes and heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥

    total lee awesum gardin two.....R'z iz still funkee mud

    we iz out til monday; sew heerz two an arrowtooth eel kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  9. The flowers are looking lovely. Happy Birthday to your mom!

  10. Happy Birthday to your Mom! Your garden looks great.

  11. Happy Birthday to your mom! We sure hope it's a special day for her. Your garden is always so lovely. How nice to have something from your grandmother. Memories are so valuable. Abby's garden is just perfect.

  12. Beautiful flowers are definitely something for which to be thankful! Your garden is just gorgeous. :)

    Happy birthday to your Mom!

  13. We are so glad we stopped by today. A very happy, happy birthday to your mom! She deserves to have a fun celebration.

  14. Thanks for showing us Abby's garden again. We like seeing it.

    Emma and Buster

  15. We love it when we come to your blog and get to see the garden!
    We can just smell all the lovely flowers...

    Noodle and crew

  16. You've sure got lots of pretty things to look at sweet Annabelle!

  17. oh my how did I miss your Mom's birthday!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hoping it was pawesome!! xoxo

  18. TW's always had a thing for petunias. They used to grow wild in her yard when she was a small child. Happy Belated Birthday to your Mom.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs