Friday, May 13, 2016

Mr Jinx Strikes Again

My fierce hunter.
Way back in the day...way way back in 2004 when I had no idea
3 little kitties had taken up residence in my yard, Mr Jinx
was the protector and provider. Of that there is no doubt in my mind.
Just a few days ago I was sitting in the den, all four of 
the cats were gracing the catio which I can clearly see
and all of a sudden a flurry of commotion was going on.
I heard Mr Jinx thump up against the door
and then what I saw was him jump below the platform
and pounce. ON what I didn't know.
But I got up to investigate and he ran off towards the 
living room. I looked outside thinking he had seen something
on the other side of the screen door, which is normally why
he thumps the door.
Finding nothing I went to find him in the house.
As I saw him sitting in the living room, he "meowed"
and I think he was announcing his "kill".
There on the floor, with small drips of blood
sat a very dead lizard.
Oh my.
You silly lizard you should have stayed outside.
You had four meat eaters in this house!
He was very proud of himself.
I on the other hand had to get the dustpan 
to pick up a dead lizard and let some other
predator take off the body for lunch.
No photos although I thought about it but with 
blood still on the floor I thought it better to clean up.
Mr Jinx strikes again!


  1. We sometimes get lizards round here too!

  2. Way to go, Mr. Jinx! I have yet to see a lizard here... but I know there must be some!

  3. Still the mighty hunter Mr Jinx :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. Well done Mr Jinx! You are a mighty hunter. :)

  5. Way to go Mr. Jinx! You are the hunter and protector of the household! Very handsome picture of you too :)

  6. Mr. Jinx, what a good guy you were protecting your siblings back then. You've still got it! That's impressive hunting skills!

    This is a gorgeous picture of you!

  7. A lizard! Wow, Mr Jinx, well done! We'd love to see a lizard!

  8. What a brave mancat you are Mr. Jinx!

  9. It's funny that cats retain enough of their wild side to hunt and kill, but are domesticated enough to want their humans to see their achievements.

    Good show, Mr Jinx.

  10. Clapping wildly...Mr. Jinx Lizard Hunter!!
    I all the other long tongued lizards are leaving the area
    Hugs madi your bfff

  11. Good job, Mr. Jinx! Our backyard is crawling with lizards. They are lucky we have indoor cats!

  12. Bravo, Mr. Jinx! You are a fierce and mighty hunter (and handsome, too)! :)

  13. We are very proud of you Mr. Jinx! We don't know much about lizards, but still we are very impressed, because we bet they are fast.


  14. Good work Mr. Jinx, you don't want any intruders.

  15. Paws up, Mr. Jinx, the mighty hunter! Ashton sends big winks and says she would have eaten that lizard before your human had a chance to fetch a dustpan for sure.

  16. Once a hunter, always a hunter, eh Mr. Jinx!!!!!

    Emma and Buster

  17. We don't have leezards here...we're sure missing out!

  18. Such a super hunter you are Mr. Jinx!

  19. I've heard so many "cats killing lizards" stories lately and they make me very thankful that we don't have lizards up here!

  20. You da man Mr. Jinx! I dared the mouse in the wall to come into our condo but he was scared and ran away.

  21. Ah! The Jinx the hunter! Mes used to catch lizards, but about 5 years ago, the lizards in Midway must has been genetically modified and they gotted faster and mes could not catch them anymore.

  22. What a good hunter. Hope he got a special treat for being the protector/provider. :)

  23. oh MAN! Lizard is delicious!

    xx Maui

  24. Better on da floor da stuffed in a chair where one of our cats put der kill once...

    Momma were not amused!


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs