Thursday, August 15, 2019


It's a Thankful Thursday.
You woke up.
One breath 
Thankful for

 Today is my 14th blogoversary.
Most years I published everyday.
While I was working in my earlier years
of blogging I may not have been able to
publish as often.
But, to say how grateful I am for those early
posts is an understatement.
They are a testament to Abby's life.
Gracie's life.
And to the lives of Boo, Ping & Jinx.
Later to Annabelle.
And now to Mina, Mille, Maize,Micki & Mona L.

But this was all for you.
My sweet girl.
Who I miss so much.
When they tell you words can describe 
a feeling or scene,
it's so true.
Saying I miss you doesn't do it justice.
For this anniversary came 3 days after you left
for the Bridge in 2013.
August is a solemn month.
The entire summer is. Too many losses.
But, the sun always rises and sets.
Everything continues onward.
Even Grief.
Weaving its way into Life.

Thank you for all the years.
I will always cherish each of the memories inside of me.
I carry you with me always.
Even though it may not sound like it,
I am eternally grateful.


  1. Happy Blogoversary, sorry its so bittersweet, but 14 years! OMC! Concatulations!!

  2. Time to celebrate and to reflect. Sending hugs and purrs. Patch and Flower.

  3. Happy Blogoversaary! Even though the later memories are sad, you have so many years of happiness in this blog to look back on.

  4. Happy blogoversary! Of course you are grateful for all those memories - that is part of blogging, and one of the best parts.

  5. Happy Blogoversary!

    Mum says she wishes she had the Internet when she had Suzy (1985-98) so she could have more memories of her.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  6. Happy blogoversary, though I realize it's very bittersweet. Still, to keep blogging through thick and thin for 14 years (!) is an amazing achievement! Paws up for a high five!

  7. 14 YEARS? HOLY SHIT!!!!! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am approaching 10 years and I SERIOUSLY doubt I will EVER be blogging 14 years! WELL DONE YOU!

  8. We're glad your here sharing your sweeties with all of us. Happy Blogoversary!!!

  9. Happy Blogoversary ! Memories are so precious. Purrs

  10. Happy Blogoversary. What a sweet tribute to your beautiful Abby.

    The Florida Furkids

  11. 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW Happy 14th...and all this just because of an itty bitty kitty with a great big heart...I know our Angels are dancing OTRB
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. happee annie fursarry guyz.....heerz ta 14 mor....we hope mom letz everee one haz 14 perch...ore may bee 14 bloo gil...ta help sell a brate ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  13. July is the tough month for me, especially over the 4th, losing both Tara and Truffles in that month. Happy blogoversary, even though it's bittersweet.

  14. Happy Blogoversary! 14 years is a long time to blog. Here's to many more years.

  15. Oh my 14 years!!!!! Happy happy blogoversary!!! What a milestone. Keep going!

    Emma and Buster

  16. Happy 14th Blogoversary!!
    That is really amazing and we are happy to be there for most of those years.
    Here's to many more years even when they are bittersweet.
    Purrs,Georgia,Julie and JJ

  17. I missed this anniversary, so I will write belatedly that it's a pleasure to be able to read your blog, and to know you and your cats. This is a memorial to life, and to love.

  18. A Special Belated Blogoversary wish to you. We are sorry for missing both it and the special thoughts you posted...


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs