Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Friday

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We wanted to mention that the other day we had some foreign comments left on our blog and when I translated it it was all very graphic stuff I would never want on this blog. I wanted to warm everyone to check when you receive foreign comments from someone you don't know. What it translates into may be shocking.

While preparing breakfast, Abby normally walks the counter pacing back and forth and she uses the area around the sink like a gang plank. As I was putting some dirty dishes into the dish washer, she fell. Fell into the dish washer. This isn't the first time she has fallen from this area, but it's the first time I've ever had the dishwasher open at the same time. I felt so bad that I was unable to catch her (which I have been able to do in the past), she appears to be totally unfazed, but my little senior girl causes me such worry!


We hope everyone has a very happy Friday!

purr on,


  1. Oops, tell her to be careful, we don't want her to get hurt either. Y'all have a great weekend!

  2. Mornin' Abby and Mom....we saw the foreign characters. We were wondering what was up with that. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Some folks have too much free time on their hands.

    Abby Mom and I are so sorry to hear about your 'fall from grace'!!! Madi hasn't had that experience. Thank goodness you weren't injured...Mom we know you were scared but sometimes it is hard to anticipate the next step the kitties will try. You all have a good weekend.
    Madi and Mom

  3. We love you, beautiful Abby.....please be careful so you don't injure yourself. xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Be careful Abby! And hello handsome Ping!!!

  5. Abby, that is a rather extreme way to want to get clean! Don't do it again! Joking aside, we are glad you didn't hurt yourself.
    Thanks for the heads up on the foreign characters, we will delete any we get.

  6. Abby, please try to stay out of the dishwasher! Have a purrfect weekend, xoxo.

  7. Aw, poor Abby! We're glad to hear she was unfazed by the whole thing!

  8. Poor Abby. It's tough getting older and losing some of our agility.

    What you wrote makes us glad we have deleted all the foreign comments without trying to translate them.

  9. We're glad you weren't hurt Abby! Those dishwashers can be nasty, so be careful.

    Charlemagne and Tamar

  10. Abby you look so content here-sometimes I lean up on the chairs and they go over. Mama always worries for us.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs