Monday, June 11, 2012

Mancat Monday With Ping

My sweet Golden Boy
We live in Florida along the Atlantic.
Within the past two weeks (not counting today)
we've had nearly 25" of rain.
A normal summer for our area is 22" of rain.
We went from bone dry and fires all around to floods.
There is rain in our forecast all week.
We all say "enough" already with the rain.
We really don't want to load an Ark.


  1. That is too much rain! Ping, you won't have any sun puddles to light up your fur!

  2. Ping! That is horrible! You can come here, although we have lots of rain too, I do not think we will need an ark..

  3. We could do with some rain to wash away the awful smelly haze...We hope you get some nice little sunnies back soon, Ping!

  4. Such crazy weather!! Me and Charlie hope it settles down soon!! Awww Happy Monday lovely Ping! Take care

  5. OMC, there must be so much flooding. 25 inches of rain in 2 weeks? Wow!!! NOT good!

  6. We think your garden will be very lush looking with all that rain!!!

  7. We sympathise with you - it's raining here again today and many areas of the country are flooded. A month ago we were told to save water as we were in drought! Now we have too much.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. the dad, who lives in orlando now, says he's had it wif rain too. and the hots. but we just laff at him 'acause it's FLORIDA. of course there's the hots there. SHEESH

    purrsss n nosekissies to mine gorgeous sweet tuxie princess Abby

    your adoring floofy cocoapuff meezerman Sammy

  9. Well that same rain is flooding out large swathes of the UK at the moment! Just want to say “Stop it, already” lol

  10. Ping you might want to drop by my place today for suggestions on how to handling rising waters. MOL
    Loving those green mancat eyes.
    Hugs Madi

  11. We saw you were having so much rain and we hope you will be okay!

  12. Handsome Ping, we saw in the news about all of the rain you and your family have been getting. We sure hope you get some sunshines real soon!

  13. Yikes! That's a lot of rain...and we cats hate getting wet! Stay safe, please.

  14. Wow, yeah, enough with the rain! We have rain today, but we needed it. I guess... *I* never need it, but the ground does apparently..
    Rain always makes Stars fur extra fluffy, which we think is adorable! It's also kinda curly when wet, but she doesnt get to go out, rain or shine!
    Stay dry kitties!

  15. "into each life a little rain must fall" you don't get snow like we do, so I guess it is your turn but I agree, enough already! Stay safe!

  16. Oh Ping. I am so sorry for all the Beans and kitties who are enduring flooding. Xxxooo

  17. We are getting torrential rain every day too. We had storm force winds on Thursday as well which brought trees down. At least the wind has dropped now, but we wish the same as you that the rain would go away.

  18. Hello Ping with the green eyes :)
    Charging them up in the sun :) heehee
    Last week was somewhat rainy, though we escaped the BIG rains Quebec and Ontario got!It was,however,pretty cool!!
    This week should be sunny and warmer!
    We purr you do not float away!!!!!!!

    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  19. We agree! We hope it lets up really soon. Some of that rain is coming our way, but just a couple inches of it thankfully.

  20. We agree! We hope it lets up really soon. Some of that rain is coming our way, but just a couple inches of it thankfully.

  21. OMG that sounds exactly like the weather we are having in Australia! Its horrible and the poor kitties are getting no outside time :o(

  22. Kittehs! Do youze all know how to swims? That sounds reel skeery to me! Stay safe!

  23. Yes, it's been terrible! And add to the rain, rain and more rain the whining of a certain gray boy who can't go OUTSIDE because of it. srsly!

  24. Same here in Minnesota during the month of May. Severe drought over most of the state to flash flood warnings! It looked like monsoon season there for a little while!


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs