Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Angel Gracie


Angel Abby



2005 what a different world it was especially in terms of how
technology was beginning to develop.
I had been online since the 90's, but the world was rapidly changing
in how we communicated. Those of us old enough will probably always 
cherish being "pre" internet children.
But, in June of 2005 I found my soul cat Abby. I had been documenting
that search in the form of a Journal I kept off line on my computer.
I also had always been interested in photography, but I had not caught the
digital bug. Thinking it was a fad. But so much for that insight.
After Abby I wanted to get into this new way of photography.
I had a horrible camera, but maybe they all were in those days.
So between my terrible camera and my little known knowledge of 
online Journaling I began this blog. There were so few cat bloggers in those days.
Timothy Dickens was one of the very first I found and I was especially
drawn to him because he was a tuxedo like Boo & Abby.
Timothy lived a long life until November of 2016.
There were a handful of others and we began a very small tightknit
community. There was so much fun.
Now I can't believe how wide and vast the community has grown.
So many have come and gone, including my own beloved
Abby and sweet Gracie.
When I started it never occurred to me that there would be a downside.
It simply never crossed my radar that there would be loss.
I know.
I know.
Truly I know how could I not fathom that?
But, the losses happened and cats and their Moms stopped blogging.
I've always understood why the blogging stopped, but it was terribly sad
to lose all contact when a kitty went to the Rainbow Bridge.
Things come and go, ebb and flow, I've certainly had that happen.
I've always wanted to keep some type of record
and I'm glad I did. I am not as connected as I once was because my heart
is still broken, even after 5 years, and other losses have added
up over those 5 years and I find myself at a crosspoint.
But, I still know that my kitties have kept me grounded and I want to honor
Especially this one....

She has helped my heart more than anything.
What a loving little Momma cat she is.

So I will continue to honor my special seniors and
my Annabelle who herself is now 6.
I see that blogging is now almost a technological dinosaur.
One day I sense it too will go the way of all of those 
outdated AOL , Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger and LiveJournal.
There will be a new way, one day and probably in the not distant 
future and blogging will become like snail mail.
(Which I appreciate btw)
But for now, I want to continue to document my babies.
I was so grateful to have Abby's life with me to fall back on.
It was a comfort once I got through the first stages of Grief.

I hope those who follow us still enjoy our meager updates.
We sure do appreciate all of you.


  1. My human says she is so glad that Sparkle discovered your blog so many years ago, and that I continue to visit to this very day. Happy blogoversary!

  2. I am happy that we discovered you even though it was many years after you started blogging. I wish I had been able to meet the others...

    Happy Blogoversary!

  3. It's such a great way to keep a history of our fur babies. I took up photography to enable me to photograph my babies better. lol Love seeing your furry babies, long may you continue. Anesha

  4. Happy Blogoversary!!!!!
    We are happy that we discovered your blog too.
    We do hope blogging continues for a long time as it is the main social media we use for communicating with other cats :)

    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. Yes, so many changes, techie and otherwise. Happy Blogoversary from all of us!

  6. Happy blogoversary! We hope there always will be room in this digital age for blogging. Our human deleted our long-unused FaceBook account, and has no interest in Instagram or Twitter, etc. Blogging really is, at least for her, online journalling, though she's also gone back to a paper journal for thankfulness and for and accomplishments of the day. Maybe the pendulum will swing the other way and younger generations will take up paper writing as a novelty (ha). In the meantime, we're glad you've kept on blogging through all the ups and downs!

  7. We remember the old days when you could visit everyone who posted every morning... It's hard to believe how long it's een.

  8. We remember the "old days" too and really never thought about how hard the losses would be. Happy Blogoversary!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Happy Blogoversary! You had already been blogging for 11 months when I started although I lurked for 3-4 months before, and you were one of my very first blogging friends. Yes, it has changed so much over the years and it was good to be able to return comments to everyone.
    I also never thought about the losses, you don't in the beginning, but as more and more old friends leave you know that one day it will happen to you too and dread that day arriving. It is a hard lesson that if you love unconditionally it will lead to immense pain. I am glad for my blog, your blog and so many more that we can remember and honour our loved ones.

    1. That said it for me as though I had actually had the presence of mind to write it. I will never stop blogging until one comes to our "home".

  10. I don't care much for instagram and the other modes though I have an account with them and use them a bit. They don't have the personal touch a blog has.

  11. Happy Blogoversary ! We're happy to have met you ! Purrs

  12. Happy Blogoversary! I always enjoy seeing the photos of your beautiful kitties past and present. XO

  13. Happy Blogoversary - and many more.

  14. Happy Blogoversary. We always enjoy visiting you. Your photos are so beautiful.

  15. TBT here: HAPPY Blogoversary! Your description of your computer and pre-computer life is nearly identical to mine. The pre-internet cat journal, the early internet experience (dial-up voice lines and streaming chat), discovering blogging, etc. And the shock of loss of a heart cat...

  16. We are so glad you started blogging all those years ago, and that you are still going strong. We cherish your updates, and your friendship. Happy blogoversary!

  17. happee blog annie fur sarry guyz !!! itz troo, online social media etc haz changed...we started at my space ☺☺
    while we due knot rememburr how we finded yur blog, we iz happee we did...heerz ta nother 75 N haz sum perch pizza N donutz two day...juzt coz.....ore pizza N perch filled donutz ;) ♥♥♥

  18. Belated Happy Blogversary. It makes us sad how much blogging has changed.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs