Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Today is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day,
which Deb Barnes from Zee & Zoey began in
2015 for the loss of her beloved Mr. Jazz.
It is commerotative for all animals who have passed
through our lives.

My losses are for both Abby & Gracie who
sadly passed within 6 months of one another.
It is also about my own need to find 
answers to all the emotions that occured because
of those two losses in addition to a lot 
of other 'losses' that happened.

I don't know that I discovered the definitive answers
by any means, but I did find some resolutions.
I do want to emphasize that anyone in the first YEAR
will not be able to find any way to find any
solace, it's just a slog your way through process.
In fact, when you look back on it, you wonder even
how you made it.

There are so many shocking things that you don't know
until you do.
Once you do you so wish you could unlearn them.
But, you can't.
None of that may seem to make sense, but believe me
once you go through it you do.

Loss isn't just about losing that one that is dear to you.
No it's all about the secondary losses too.
That person or animal, filled so much of your daily life.
You lose all of that too.
And sadly with time,
you lose again.
Memories fade.
Like an old time photograph losing it's
color and finally it's images.

I suppose the only thing that doesn't get lost
is the love you feel.
No that goes on.
It's a bittersweet feeling because that love can 
only love a ghost.
You can't touch a ghost.
You can only remember.
Which is what today is all about.

I miss you Abby.
And I will love you
to the Moon
and back...
until I see my final Moon.
Then, I will be reunited with you.
And there will be no more
being apart again.


  1. Hugs as you remember those very special Angels.

  2. So very well said and understood.
    Sending has almost been a year since Madi got her wings. She was with us 24/7 for 16 1/2 years..we talk about her every day. I think that helps too

  3. Very sweet post to your angels. XO

  4. Sending love and gentle purrs to you as you remember your beloved Abby and Gracie, today and always.


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs