Saturday, October 01, 2022

Happy 19th Birthday Boo

Happy birthday Boo!
It was surprising but she turned 19!

It's a beautiful sunny day here today, which is not
at all unusual after a Hurricane passes by.
Sort of like a vacuum cleaning sucking up
all the debris.

Hurricane #Ian will be one for the record books.
Especially for SW FL.
I for one cannot even fathom what it must be like
to find your entire world destroyed as savagely as
Ian did to the SW FL coastline.
I am sure once all everything is recorded we will 
find the topography of the coastline is forever changed.
It is going to take years to rebuild, if it is rebuilt.
I suspect there are a lot of folks who will 
never rebuild on an barrier island.
My heart breaks for those people.
I cannot put into words how sad I am for 
incredible destruction that happened to my state.
It began in SW FL but there was so much more
throughout the state, and it's not done yet.
All the water is still flowing up and out
to the Atlantic and causing flooding, and 
infrastructure failings to happen. On I-75 near Ft Myers
the traffic was being diverted because a levee failed
and flooded, homes within the area had to be evacuated.
It's just beyond words.

Locally we had minor flooding, and that even feels
odd to say "minor". If it was your home with even
inches of water, you had to take your flooring up
and drywall out of the walls and furniture was lost.
It's miniscule compared to your home being washed
away but it's hard nevertheless.


I hate Hurricanes. Being what is now considered elderly
and alone I feel a lot more vulnerable than ever before,
even though I lived my entire life in this state.
The season isn't over yet either.
Another wave came off Africa, where it heads 
no one knows.
I'm not sure Ian is finished yet.
It might have impacts to New England depending
on where it ultimately goes.

It's ironic, Boo, Ping & Jinx went through Hurricane Charley
in 2004 with us and it literally took the same path as
Ian. Now 18 years later it's just Boo & workshop cat Ping
still with me dealing with this again.

Hope things are better in your part of the world.
We'll be fine, for now at least, even if we feel more
vulnerable than ever.

Happy birthday to my sweet loving Boo,
who got evacuated with me (and Annabelle) during Ian. 



  1. Happy birthday, Miss Boo! You're a grand old ladycat.

    We're glad you were safe through Hurricane Ian and are purring and purraying for the so very many whose lives are devastated or lost. šŸ™

  2. I was wondering how you and the cats were faring, and hoped we'd hear from you. Storms are getting worse and worse. Even as far north as my province of birth, Nova Scotia - and Newfoundland! Incredible. I'm glad you are safe.

    On a happier note, happy birthday to Miss Boo. I had no idea she was approaching 19. May she reach 20 - and beyond - in good health.

  3. Happy Birthday from all of us sweet Miss Boo! We're sure glad you all are safe after that evil Ian moved through.

  4. Happy Purrthday Miss Boo ! We love seeing you and hearing that you all are ok !

  5. Wishing you a purrfect day, Boo! So glad you're all safe. Ian sure was a monster.

  6. Happy birthday, beautiful Miss Boo! We are so relieved that you are all safe; that hurricane was so scary.

  7. Happy Birthday Boo! So glad you all are safe! Purrs and hugs!

  8. Happy birthday to Boo! Safety is paramount, and glad to hear that all is ok with you. Do take care. Being on ones own human wise, is hard.

  9. Happy Birthday Miss Boo! 19 years old is pawsome!!!!
    Happy to hear you survived Ian with your cats. Did Jinx go too?
    Ian did not affect us much this time, though other parts of our province had power poles broken and toppled.
    Sadly, our city is too rocky to bury power lines :(
    Purrs, Julie

  10. Glad you are all safe. Happy Belated Birthday Miss Boo! XO

  11. Belated Happy Birthay Greetings tto YOU, Miss BOO! Wow, 19! Amazing!

    Glad you ad your little furmily are safe from Ian and its effects, but we sure feel bad for others who suffered so much damage and worse.

  12. Boo, Happy Birthday darling. And to your mom...I can relate to what you wrote. It has been some time ago, but the tragedy is the same. XXX I don't get emails at al or any form knowing you posted any longer. I am so sorry to be so late here.

  13. Oh sweet Boo, we're very very late with the celebrations, but we sure hope you had a wonderful Birthday, and that you're all safe from that horrible hurricane. We're also signing up again, as we don't want to miss anything anymore when you postšŸ™Double PawkissšŸ¾šŸ˜½šŸ’ž


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs