Friday, January 13, 2023

One Week

It's been a week.


It's hard to wrap my head around everything.
There was really  no warning that anything was
imminent. I was in complete shock. I found him
semi conscious last Friday morning and rushed
him to the Vet, and there wasn't anything they could
do that wouldn't have made any difference to the outcome.


I miss him so very much.
Even though I knew, with him being 20
his days were much shorter. 
Still, when it happens you're never prepared.
I'm just now finally getting my feet
back  under me.
But it isn't about me.
Or maybe it is?
I'm the one still here,
and he isn't. So I have to deal with
how everything plays out.

I wish they never had to leave us.
Hold your kittens tightly,
you never know.
You just never know.




  1. Yep, we are just never prepared. Hugs from us too.

  2. No matter how long they live, it is never long enough. XO

  3. Agreed! No matter the age we are never prepared!
    We just love them so much we wish they could go on forever.
    Hugs from Mum and purrs from me as you miss that sweet boy.
    Purrs, Julie

  4. It IS about you - AND about him. You were family. That's what it is about when one member leaves. The others stay. And it's unfair to both.

  5. It's so hard when it's so fast. Thinking of you.

  6. We're never really ready, are we? Sending you much love and gentle purrs as you miss your beloved Ping. XO

  7. I am sorry about your loss of your beautiful cat. It is so hard for us humans to deal with this. Lynn and Precious

  8. We remember handsome Ping, sending you purrs and hugs.

    from Angel Mindy and mombean Nina

  9. We wanted to thank you for visiting and your kind words for my bro Izzy. We are so sorry that you suffered a loss not that long ago too. It's hard.❤️

  10. I understand. ~hugs~ Best wishes.

  11. I honored Ping in our annual Memorial show. (see today’s post)

  12. Beautiful Ping honored today in annual Rainbow Memorial show

  13. Thank you for your kind words about our sweet Angel Raz. We miss him so much.

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs